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Aug 27, 2022, 6 tweets

Next weekend it's gonna be all barbecues, hot dogs, and huge sales. That's not to say that you can't get started early. Here are just a few of the early #LaborDayDeals we've managed to round up. Shopping from our links supports our journalism. wired.trib.al/0LO509D 1/6

The Hario Skerton Plus hand grinder for $39 features an ergonomic shape and internal ceramic burrs to make sure you're getting an even and flavorful grind from your coffee. 📸: Seattle Coffee Gear 2/6 wired.trib.al/zYTSSSB

The Solo Stove Bonfire 2.0 Fire Pit for $230 ($170 off) is a great addition to any backyard. It's nearly smokeless, practically indestructible, and it's pretty easy to move around.📸: REI 3/6 wired.trib.al/fxEg1G0

You don't need to have a backyard to get in on the grilling action. This George Foreman electric grill for $20 ($10 off) does the trick, and it can fit four servings. It has a drip pan to catch grease and can double as a panini press.📸: Amazon 4/6 wired.trib.al/iwvl8C8

The We-Vibe Melt + Pillow Talk Sassy bundle for $160 ($60 off) features an air pulse stimulator and a vibrator curved for G-spot stimulation. Both are pretty small, which is great for anyone with smaller hands or grip issues. 📸: Peepshow Toys 5/6 wired.trib.al/24lluXl

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