Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Aug 28, 2022, 10 tweets

10th house for profession

1. If sun is in tenth house then the native may work for government or take up father's business or he will have some benefits from government or he will work in an administrative role in a firm, medicine, etc.

2. If moon is in tenth house then the native may work in fields related to Water, dairy, agriculture, boarding &
lodging, writing, poetry, as lyricist, hotel business, agriculture, medical sciences, grocery or oil business, wine store etc.

3. Mars in 10th house
- areas related to police, armed forces, electrical/mechanical/ automobile/aerospace/civil engineering, fire service, medical, surgery, historical items, weapon making, machinery & tools, marbles & tiles, construction items.

4. Mercury in 10th house - areas related to Teaching/education, finance & accounts, astrology, law, lyricist, singers, media, journalism, telecom, networking, post office, printing/publishing, spying, orator, translator, embassy, banking etc.

5. If Jupiter is in tenth house then the native may work in areas related to l law, ministry, teaching, religious preaching, guide, spiritual teaching, accountancy, professors, training and development, yoga and astrology etc.

6. Venus in 10th house - related to software, footwear, literature, cinema, music, dance, finance/banking, artistic crafts, cosmetics, perfumes, sweets, textile, wines, drawing/painting, vehicles, architecture, musical instruments, judge, lawyer etc.

7. Saturn in 10th house then the native - areas like Iron, steel, oil, charcoal, archaeology, quarry, hard labor, sales related to sanitation & toilets, garbage/toilet cleaner, leather, sheep/goat trade, antiques, furniture, graveyard, construction.

8. Rahu in 10th house - chemicals, computers, spying/ intelligence, foreign affairs, drugs, smuggling, customs, snake hunters, sales of poisons/pesticides, prison, magician, bomb making, photography, cinema , driving, scrap sales, illegal items.

9. Ketu in 10th hs - Medicine, astrology ,theology, philosophy, spiritual, meditation, healing, wireless, IT, threads, law, pharma, siddha , Ayurveda, medicinal herbs, occult, chemistry, priest etc.

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