Sarah Hudson Profile picture
Cardiologist- Heart Failure & Advanced Echo; Digital Health - Topol Digital Fellow 2019/2020; Data and process optimisation

Aug 29, 2022, 11 tweets

💥My top 10 learning points from the #ESCCongress 2022💥

A thread for cardiologists/general physicians

1) Addition of IV acetazolamide to IV furosemide in AHF results in 46% higher incidence of successful decongestion after 3 days


2) Revascularization with PCI does not improve event-free survival in pts with severe LVSD over OMT alone
(HF cohort, not acute ACS pts or significant angina)

Evidence: REVIVED…


3) In pts with rheumatic heart disease and AF, RCT evidence supports VKA use over rivaroxaban, with decreased composite of CV events and death with VKA and no increase in bleeding.

Evidence: INVICTUS…


4) There is no difference in outcomes taking antihypertensive medications in either morning or evening.

Evidence: TIME


5) Dapagliflozin reduces the risk of CV death or worsening HF in pts with mildly reduced or preserved EF.

Evidence: DELIVER…


6) Treatment with a polypill containing aspirin, ramipril and atorvastatin after MI resulted in a significantly decreased risk of major adverse events than usual care

Evidence: SECURE…

7) There is no difference in rates of death or severe disability/coma between OOHCA pts on ICU treated with a restrictive (target PaO2 9-10kPa) or liberal (Pa02 13-14kPa) oxygen strategy during mechanical ventilation.

Evidence: BOX…


8) An ordinary smartphone can be useful to detect treatment-relevant AF, using the standard camera lens.

Evidence: eBRAVE AF


9) Metanalysis shows muscle symptoms are common in pts on statins, but 93% are NOT attributable to statins



10) Metanalysis supports pts with Marfan Syndrome being given both ARB and BB to slow rate of aortic enlargement.



Thanks to @escardio for putting on a great conference, and for maintaining a 'virtual' option alongside the in person event.


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