Adam Frisch for CD-3 Profile picture
Candidate for Congress in Colorado's 3rd District. Father, husband, and common-sense businessman running to unseat Lauren Boebert.

Aug 29, 2022, 11 tweets

Lauren Boebert has been in office for 600 days. She hasn't passed ONE SINGLE PIECE of legislation. Further more, she has voted in extremely out-of-step ways many times. Here are 10 of her most morally reprehensible votes. She clearly doesn't know right from wrong. 1/

Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are the only Congresspeople who voted NO on a bill that would increase access to life-saving treatment options for cancer patients. 2/

Lauren Boebert voted NO on a bill protecting senior citizens from scams. Nearly all of the other Republicans voted yes. #Outofstep 3/

Lauren Boebert was one of only NINE members of Congress to vote against protecting mothers who serve in our armed forces. #SupportOurVets #OutOfStep #ProtectOurVets 4/

Water is the most important resource in #CD3. Lauren Boebert voted against the STREAM Act which would protect our water. 5/

We all live on the lands of indigenous nations who came before us. Lauren Boebert voted against an act that would curb scams perpetrated against indigenous tribes and tribal members. 6/

We all understand the opioid epidemic. Risks to first responders to people suffering for addiction are real & need to be addressed. Lauren Boebert was one of only a few Congresspeople who voted against the bill to improve education on fentanyl risks for first responders. 7/

Lauren Boebert also voted against an act that would give law enforcement more tools to combat fentanyl trafficking. So much for backing the blue. 8/

Lauren Boebert voted AGAINST legislation critical to human rights and law enforcement in the fight to combat human trafficking. She is morally reprehensible. 9/

Once again, Lauren Boebert voted against our Veterans best interests. She voted against helping veterans access their records to support the claims of sick and dying vets. #SupportOurVeterans 10/

Wildfires are one of the most pressing natural disasters this county continually faces. Breaking with the majority of Republicans, Lauren Boebert voted against a disaster relief bill that would allow for more mitigation of fire dangers. 11/

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