Adam Frisch for CD-3 Profile picture
Candidate for Congress in Colorado's 3rd District. Father, husband, and common-sense businessman running to unseat Lauren Boebert.
Sans Umlaut Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 24, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
With Lauren Boebert claiming she supports our Veterans over and over the last few days, we couldn't stand by and let those lies go unanswered. We went over her votes that pertain to Vets. Check out what we found. 🧵1/17 Image Lauren Boebert voted AGAINST the PACT act that gives Vets exposed to burn pits access to VA healthcare.
2/17 Image
Aug 29, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Lauren Boebert has been in office for 600 days. She hasn't passed ONE SINGLE PIECE of legislation. Further more, she has voted in extremely out-of-step ways many times. Here are 10 of her most morally reprehensible votes. She clearly doesn't know right from wrong. 1/ Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene are the only Congresspeople who voted NO on a bill that would increase access to life-saving treatment options for cancer patients. 2/
Aug 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As a small business owner, I have been creating jobs for much of my life. I know small businesses create the majority of American jobs and drive local economies. I will work to cut regulations so our Main Streets are growing and hiring. I will support programs at local community colleges and universities that create the jobs of tomorrow. In Congress, I will make sure Western and Southern Colorado get the money we need to rebuild and modernize our district's infrastructure, creating jobs and boosting our economy.