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Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Aug 31, 2022, 10 tweets

.@UN briefing on Pakistan Floods - on the launch of a 160 Million Dollar flash appeal to address emergency needs in the wake of a colossal nation wide flooding disaster in a country of 220 million.

Launch of Pakistan Floods Response Plan - NYC Press Conf.

@UN The @NASA Earth observatory […] has posted some imagery that provides a clear view of the scale of the flooding - which highlights standing water in blue.
Left >> Aug. 4th
Right >> Aug. 28th

Note that there was already signiifcant flooding on August 4th.

The remaining images here of Pakistan Flooding were taken yesterday by @NASA's Worldview satellite system.

First a picture of the entire country.

#PakistanFlooding A close up fairly high resolution image of central Pakistan - including the area covered by the Earth Observatory images.

Note: The large area in light brown is not standing water - though it is a very similar colour to the water you can see in the main Indus River channel which is running very high.

To view the images in close up save them to your computer or RightClick >> "Open in new window".

This image shows Southern Pakistan including the province of Sindh which is one of the most hard hit - and which has Hyderabad at its center. It has place labels, roads and borders overlaid.

A close up on the the coastal south Sindh provice is on the right, Southern Balochistan on the left.

This image shows nearly all of Balochistan the Western Province whichis largely dry - but which has also experienced catastrophic flooding in parts over the past few months.

Finally, North Pakistan which is possibly the area of most infrastructure damage - and where many of the amazing images of torrents tearing apart towns which we have seen in recent days originate. More than 200 bridges have been destroyed here and 10s of thousands of homes.

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