Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj Profile picture
Journalist | Filmmaker | Social Activist Director : #IndiasSons #MartyrsofMarriage Founder @ekamnyaay UPI : ekamnyaay@axl

Sep 1, 2022, 13 tweets


1 CITY - JABALPUR, Madhya Pradesh

She wanted to file her SIXTH #FALSERAPE CASE but now a court has booked her for "extortion, criminal intimidation"

A Thread 🧵

Listen to this audio where she's talking to the 5th man she accused of rape & unnatural sex, stating clearly that sex was consensual. She was forcing him to meet her again. When this man & his family refused to give in to her extortionist demand of 10Lacs, she CRIED RAPE !!!

In all her FIRs she uses same template of "Rape on false promise of Marriage" "Unnatural Sex" even though she's married

@jabalpurpolice went on filing these Rape cases despite all accused having strong evidences to prove INNOCENCE

But then who listens to a man in a Rape case?

#SoniaKeswani is extremely confident that she can get any man arrested in a #falserape case as police & courts go only by a "woman's statement"

Listen to how she threatens associate of another man she charged of 376, 377 that she will make this man rot in jail for 6 MONTHS!

In May 2022, i filed a complaint with @SPJabalpur @DGP_MP, but no cognizance was taken, NO ACTION WAS DONE against #SoniaKeswani

EMBOLDENED, she went ahead & trapped her 6th prey, got engaged with him & then tried to file a #falserape case on him too!!

On complaint by this 6th guy, Judge Neha Tomar, Jabalpur Court has ordered #SoniaKeswani to be tried under IPC 389, 504, 406 as Police didn't take FIR of this man too even though he had so many proofs

6 FIRs by 1 Woman with no PROOF
0 FIR on 1 Woman despite many PROOF


I've met families of these young men accused by #SoniaKeswani. They have cried blood & tears for their innocence but NO ONE HEARD them.

Some men have spent MONTHS in Jail with NO PROOF except her statement as EVIDENCE!


She is still free, still out to TRAP more men!

There have been many articles written exposing her modus operandi but i don't know what is it that @SPJabalpur @DGP_MP will see as evidence enough to #ArrestSoniaKeswani

It is heartbreaking to see that a woman has reduced RAPE to a JOKE & police can't do anything about it

What I've shared is nothing.

I have videos where #SoniaKeswani says "The Game of 376 is played merely on statement by a Girl where even medical means Nothing" & laughs about writing a Nirbhaya kind of episode in her 164 statement!

Even that perhaps isn't enough for Police

If ur reading this thread, kindly tag journalists from national media to expose this woman

Please RT this thread with #ArrestSoniaKeswani so that @jabalpurpolice does something

Write to @SPJabalpur @DGP_MP to save more men from being falsely accused of Rape by her!

Watch entire expose on #SoniaKeswani on my Youtube channel:

The only way to bring this woman to justice is by social outcry against lives she's destroyed & will destroy. Please RT. It's an effort of months!


🧵 End

Follow more of my work -

India's Sons :
A Documentary on #falserape cases

Martyrs of Marriage :
A Documentary on misuse of #498A

If you wish to support:
UPI : DeepikaNarayan@upi
GPAY : deepikanarayan-1@okaxis

Sonia Keswani has dropped this message on YouTube on my video. I am so glad she will take her own case to Crime Branch. Atleast all the rape cases will be investigated properly if she does that. Justice will be served.

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