Jeroen Sondervan Profile picture
Programme Leader Open Scholarly Communication @OpenScience_NL @NWOnieuws | | #openaccess views my own |

Sep 1, 2022, 25 tweets

We have started our workshop @osf2022nl on preprints and open peer review.

First setting the stage: what are the main characteristics of preprints:

Why would you engage and work with preprints anyway?

A selection of reasons:
@osf2022nl #osf2022nl

Ok, all fine. Where can I go to?

Plenty of options nowadays:

Disciplinary, regional and publisher archives.

#osf2022nl @osf2022nl

Okay, all set up. I'm ready to go. How can I do it and what are the benefits?

#osf2022nl @osf2022nl

You're not alone. What we've seen in the last 2,5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic is the rise of preprints (also in a wide range of disciplines).

#osf2022nl @osf2022nl

Ok, let me finish this thread properly (didn't have time during the afternoon program):

Though preprints have many pros, we also discussed issues. During the breakout session, it became clear that the lack of awareness is most pressing atm. Hence the workshop ;-) #OSF2022NL

To create more awareness for preprints, we (@tweetsunl @NWONieuws and Dutch Library Consortium (UKB)) created this guide: 'A Practical Guide to Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly Communication' #OSF2022NL

During the breakout discussions we questioned what for the participants (and per discipline) the pros and cons of preprints are and what the ways to advance with preprinting we could further explore in their role / institution. #OSF2022NL

The second presentation was about open peer review (of preprints) and developments in this area.

Introduced with this quote by @FionaGodlee (already from 2002). #OSF2022NL

The traditional journal = evaluation and dissemination.
With preprint servers and peer review platforms there is a decoupling of these functions. #OSF2022NL

In recent years we've seen a growth of so-called peer review platforms. Facilitating and enhancing transparency of the peer review process. #OSF2022NL

We showed three possible scenarios and practices with the current decoupling of the journal functions evaluation and dissemination.

1: the extended journal

with examples like @F1000Research and @copernicus_org #OSF2022NL

2: the mixed system

Where different platforms are connecting the dots (different outputs, i.e. preprints, review reports and published articles). #OSF2022NL

examples like @ReviewCommons and @PCI_Neuro

3rd and last scenario we showed:

No journal(s) involved.

So reviews are open and on preprints. This eventually could lead to a journal submission.

Examples are: @PREreview_ and integrated functionality in workflow @EuropePMC_news #OSF2022NL

last but not least the @ASAPbio_ initiative 'Publish Your Reviews' was presented.

Peer reviewers are encouraged to publish their reviews (openly) alongside preprints.

cc: @LudoWaltman

Bringing the 'evaluation' function to the preprints/-servers. #OSF2022NL

All fine, but why should I do this? Well...

As a reviewer, you can sign the pledge:


During plenary we gathered great feedback and gathered input for how to advance with these developments. Things that have come by:


Thanks to fellow organisers @LudoWaltman @MsPhelps @jeroenbosman and our host @osf2022nl!

Thanks also for all the participants that gave us input during the breakouts and discussions.

Slides open for commenting available here:… #osf2022nl

And for referencing here is a @ZENODO_ORG deposit with DOI: #osf2022nl

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