Ok, let me finish this thread properly (didn't have time during the afternoon program):
Though preprints have many pros, we also discussed issues. During the breakout session, it became clear that the lack of awareness is most pressing atm. Hence the workshop ;-) #OSF2022NL
To create more awareness for preprints, we (@tweetsunl@NWONieuws and Dutch Library Consortium (UKB)) created this guide: 'A Practical Guide to Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly Communication' zenodo.org/record/5600535#OSF2022NL
During the breakout discussions we questioned what for the participants (and per discipline) the pros and cons of preprints are and what the ways to advance with preprinting we could further explore in their role / institution. #OSF2022NL
The second presentation was about open peer review (of preprints) and developments in this area.
The traditional journal = evaluation and dissemination.
With preprint servers and peer review platforms there is a decoupling of these functions. #OSF2022NL
In recent years we've seen a growth of so-called peer review platforms. Facilitating and enhancing transparency of the peer review process. #OSF2022NL
We showed three possible scenarios and practices with the current decoupling of the journal functions evaluation and dissemination.
A wind of change is blowing in Europe when it comes to awareness and a renewed interest for the diamond #openaccess (DOA).
National coordinated and funded journal platforms play an important role in the further uptake of DOA. Who and what are they? Time for a (long) 🧵! 1/x
But before we get to the examples, first some background info about initiatives and projects that highlight this wind of change.
Though DOA is nothing new looking at other global regions relying on this model for decades and establishing DOA publishers everywhere. 2/x
I guess the real momentum in Europe came some 5 years ago and came to concrete informed actions with this comprehensive study commissioned by @ScienceEurope and @cOAlitionS_OA in 2021: 3/xdoi.org/10.5281/zenodo…
In veel gesprekken, praatjes, en bijeenkomsten met onderzoekers en staf bemerk ik nog regelmatig onbekendheid met #openaccess. Voor open toegang is men wel te porren, maar vooral het wat, hoe en waar is lang niet altijd duidelijk. Vandaar dit #openaccess draadje met tips:
Voor meer informatie over alles rond #openaccess (kleuren, vormen, modellen, etc.) wordt door @deVSNU@NWONieuws@SURF_NL en UKB de website openaccess.nl onderhouden. Hier vind je ook meer informatie over de huidige landelijke #oa deals met grote uitgeverijen.