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Sep 2, 2022, 6 tweets

That's the account you admitted to me that you chose to disseminate the private DMs to where you called me "mentally unstable", "huckster" & arguably "fellon" (sic), right? You said it was to "clear [your] name"?

Just curious, because I'd like to avoid confusion & conjecture. ⬇️

And, @LueElizondo, have you ever taken a step back, and looked at how much "drama" you've either gotten yourself into, or I'll even settle for what you've surrounded yourself with? Admitted sock puppet accounts, random Twitter accounts sharing your DMs on your orders, etc.? ⬇️

Look at the affect it's having on PEOPLE that at one time were close to you. I know you see it or you wouldn't keep doing these types of damage control tweets.

You're now flaunting an attorney tweeting warnings ONLY at me, which after I asked you both to justify, you couldn't.⬇️

You may not like what I've said or asked or questioned overall, but I never attacked your mentally stability or insinuated you or ANYONE has a criminal record when they don't (speaking for me, here.).

What would you have @todd_mcmurtry do to me if I did all that that to you? ⬇️

As a tax payer paid employee, doing classified work for @SpaceForceDoD, you feeling the need to tweet about this just seems so odd. I can't grasp why you keep wanting to do this. You're a tax payer paid employee trained in counter-intelligence - why wouldn't we question you?⬇️

So much you could answer for that remains unanswered (some, admittedly, may have easy answers) that could silence many "naysayers and deniers" as you call them, but instead, you tweet about "Richard Butt".

As a tax payer who pays for you to CURRENTLY have a job... do better.

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