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Feb 10 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 New 🛸 #FOIA. A thread.

Why does NASA want to hide behind a FOIA (b)(5) exemption on what their November 2024 UAP/UFO meeting (briefing) was about, which included NASA's Office of Inspector General? 👇 Image
The meeting was sparked by Peter Meister, on behalf of the Office of the Inspector General.

Mr. Meister is the Senior Science Policy Specialist within NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD). 👇 Image
Oct 29, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵 In a recent private ticketed event, former DoD counterintelligence agent Luis Elizondo showed this photo of a "UFO" from Romania in 2022.

He called it a "real photo" and references it being described as a "mothership" like the one in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 👇 Image I reverse imaged searched it, and eventually turned up a viral post on Facebook in a group called "Mysterious Ancient Discoveries". It got more than 182,000 likes and more than 23,700 comments. It was posted in September 2023.👇 Image
Jun 27, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵I feel this new pic is likely another model. But, the question is, what is the connection to the grander story being presented?

A hoax? Misunderstood or miscommunicated images? Maybe I can offer some type of explanation.

But first, here's the clip from last night:👇 This was the photo presented: 👇 Image
Jun 22, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read

Some people ask me why I am so interested in seeing the behind-the-scenes DOPSR review processes as connected to various claims by individuals inside (and outside) the UFO arena, but they are confused on why it's important. Bottom line: it can be revealing to help the public understand many things on many levels about the issues at hand.

So, here's an [admittedly long] thread on why, with verifiable examples.

But first, let me say, when it comes to @LueElizondo and David Grusch, their claims have been entrenched in controversy, regardless of what you believe about them and their claims. I am guessing (hoping?) that we can all at least ALL agree on that. Whether the DoD is lying, or someone else somewhere in the chain is lying to someone else, it's all downright controversial.

So, the DoD's treatment of these individuals, and their products/claims they seek to publish, would be incredibly revealing. And the DoD, along with the DOJ, has held nothing back in the past when it wants something suppressed.

So, this UFO topic, along with those making the claims, would be no different than it is with anything else. There is no "catch 22" if the DoD suppressed something as Grusch has claimed in the past. I've written extensively about that already. If the DoD wants to suppress something, they do, and the public is left in the dark.

Note: If there was information classified needing to be removed… I fully understand if certain portions of the review process cannot be released publicly. However, the fact that there were demands at all would be part of the story, at least in part.

So, here are some verifiable examples of former DoD personnel and top brass, and the problems they faced writing books and publishing their claims:
👇 “The Room Where It Happened,” by John Bolton, received an extraordinary amount of pushback. Bolton was even being sued by the DOJ as connected to it all, but that case was eventually dropped.

This example is well documented. Bolton claimed that the DOPSR review was being manipulated for political reasons. The National Security Council (NSC) reviewer, Ellen Knight, and her subsequent replacement, Michael Ellis, became central figures in the dispute. 👇Image
Feb 12, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
The SOL Foundation released video presentations this morning that were from their November 17-18, 2023, symposium.

It includes Karl Nell, David Grusch, Dr. Jacques Vallee, Christopher Mellon, Dr. Avi Loeb, Dr. Garry Nolan and others.

Here is a thread of them all:
Aug 25, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵🚨New documents unveil Luis Elizondo & Christopher Mellon's push for the Pentagon to clarify Elizondo's role in AATIP.

They also provide insights into the DoD's internal actions on the issue.

A thread: 🔽 Image 2/12 - “Mr. Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI, up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017," was a statement by Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood that was published by The Intercept on June 1, 2019. 🔽
Jul 25, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
1/7: You all want a REAL 🛸UFO/UAP hearing?

THIS would be the one to see:

- DoD Inspector General Robert P. Storch
- Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Thomas A. Monheim
- Secretary of the Air Force Mr. Frank Kendall
- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin



- Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines
- CIA Director William Burns
- Former DoD Counterintelligence Agent Luis Elizondo
- Former Director of Defense Intelligence for Counterintelligence, Law enforcement and Security, Garry Reid


May 23, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
1/X - Here are new UFO videos of a "Triangle UAP" around Twentynine Palms, California, published by @g_knapp and @JeremyCorbell.

The information is in Jeremy's tweet below.

(cont) 2/X - It IMMEDIATELY reminded me when I was producing/writing Season 3 of UFO Hunters (with Bill Birnes @billufomag, Pat Uskert and Kevin Cook).

It was a different case, but it took me right back to the HOURS upon HOURS we spent on that show with stuff just like this.

Dec 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ The call was interesting. I believe it was an off-camera, but on-record briefing in the Pentagon Briefing Room. Some of us were invited on the phone to take part and listen in. I was in line to ask a question, but sadly, I didn't get called.

Here are some quick thoughts... 2/ The opening remarks by Ronald Moultrie and Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick were reminiscent to the UAP hearing opening remarks by Moultrie and Scott Bray.

It seems they consider AARO very much a new effort, and still getting off the ground. However, as I reported a couple weeks...
Dec 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Bob Lazar "deep dive"?

Ok, you got it.

But, I want to do this one differently.

I want you all to steer me a bit with your beliefs and/or disbeliefs, both pro and con, and I'll see what I come up with.

Here's a thread I want you to take part in if you care about this.⬇️ 2/ First? I tried to contact Bob Lazar. He was "too busy" when the documentary first came out. I am trying again, but zero response as of yet. I will continue to try. I much rather an interview.

Assuming, however, that won't happen, I want you all to participate in the below. ⬇️
Sep 6, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ If @LueElizondo wants to keep talking about "killing" UFOlogy, at this point, fine. Let him.

Here's the issue with his whole sentiment: He can't do it. Ever. IMHO: Based on his recent actions/words, he doesn't want to "kill" UFOlogy. He wants to make HIS UFOlogy. 2/ Given the recent flaunt of his attorney to me on Twitter for absolutely zero justification that could be given, my guess is HIS UFOlogy would come without the ability to question; it would only be there to believe.

Sit back and take what we say, when we say it, and that's it.
Sep 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
That's the account you admitted to me that you chose to disseminate the private DMs to where you called me "mentally unstable", "huckster" & arguably "fellon" (sic), right? You said it was to "clear [your] name"?

Just curious, because I'd like to avoid confusion & conjecture. ⬇️ And, @LueElizondo, have you ever taken a step back, and looked at how much "drama" you've either gotten yourself into, or I'll even settle for what you've surrounded yourself with? Admitted sock puppet accounts, random Twitter accounts sharing your DMs on your orders, etc.? ⬇️
May 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ @dave_beaty did a great job here. Some are interpreting the below as the video depicting birds, and not UAP.

Though, some have accused Dave of doctoring the video by sharpening, so the process is adding details that really aren't there.

I feel that can be disproven. 2/ I created a short clip of the section Dave's video appears to show wing flap. I ripped the video from YouTube at highest res available.

I ran NO stabilizer, NO sharpener and NO additional filter. All I did was zoom in & slow down.

Do you see the same thing? (go full screen)
May 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Black Vault has hundreds of thousands of pages of @FBI files archived on celebrities, authors, journalists, organizations and more.

Here is just a sampling of the recent files added or updated at various archives on the site, all available to download for free: The Finders Cult, practicing "satanic rituals" and involved in child abuse/trafficking:

Download at:… Image
May 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ I was going to let this go on longer, but let me clarify to clear up any misunderstanding. The quote was said by Luis Elizondo (@JChurchRadio / Feb 15, '22) and it is a real quote.

I was just curious to see interpretations if a big bad Pentagon spokesperson said it, instead. 2/ Although some agree, and others disagree with the original sentiment; it's wrong. There are too many amazing people that have done amazing things that have paved the way for "Post December 2017 UFOlogy" to exist - whatever THAT actually is.
Apr 22, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
1/ @MailOnline just covered the Garry Reid debacle. In it, @LueElizondo credits his IG complaint for his "ousting".

The DoD would not take action on a complaint, but would on a completed investigation.

Does this mean Elizondo's complaint spawned an investigation & it's done? ImageImageImageImage 2/ If so, where is there any proof of that, that would justify Reid was investigated for UFO related matters, and a conclusion was made, just like in 2020 about the inappropriate relationship allegations?

I think if one report could be released, so could the other. Right?
Apr 20, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
1/ I am SURPRISED (ok, not really) that the discrepancy of the page count for the classified UAP report given to Congress last year is STILL some big issue.

Let me add some closing (for now) thoughts on the issue until new information, if ever, arrives.… 2/ I like Mr. @LueElizondo, and feel we get along just fine behind the scenes, despite some differences of opinion. You would never guess from some garbage posted on #UFOTwitter by others, but I hope that much is true and he agrees.
Feb 19, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ I think my RT yesterday about calling others out for inaccurate information was misconstrued by some.

So, let me try to explain further the frustration that sparks posts like that.

This may be a long, but controversial, thread. But it needs to be said.

So, here goes. 2/ I truly mean no disrespect to ANY party, but I think @MiddleOfMayhem (I am NOT speaking for him) and his recent posts point out a trend. A trend that goes back to day one of visuals used to fit a narrative in this current UFO conversation. BUT they aren't accurately portrayed.
Feb 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Leave it to me to request something from NRO years ago where they were met with a situation they had never been met with before. 👍

Reach for the stars... and settle for nothing less.

#FOIAGOALS And yes, the request completed with a released (but redacted) document:…
Nov 26, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ (rt'ing for thread response)

My take is this: I would not say I endorse the whole disinfo op claim outlined in the article. I still need to see more supporting that, and have long said I do not buy it on that level. But there is much more to this story we don't know. 2/ What I will say in response to the claims here, is that there are NUMEROUS unanswered questions throughout the last few years connected to this entire saga.

We were told many things by TTSA and those connected to it, a lot of which is now proven untrue.
Nov 25, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ I know this tweet upset some, but let me add more to properly explain what I meant.

Legislative mandates, initiatives, bills, etc. are trumped by national security. I am EXCITED to see how this all plays out when it comes to UAP "transparency," but we need to be realistic. 2/ I posted yesterday how the 1960s played out very similar to today and we ended up with the Condon report. Will this be the same? I'm no fortune teller, nor is anyone, so who really knows? I just choose to be cautiously optimistic.

But, let me use a modern, non-UFO, example.