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vc & crypto investor @invescous a $4.5b fund, occasional threader prev @federatedhermes @Oppenheimer

Sep 2, 2022, 10 tweets

Thread on the progression of meta(s) by @frankdegods
who dropped some major news on the t00bs🧪 & my thoughts on @y00tsNFT CC0 ⓨ

As an @ethereum & @nounsdao support/native accepted to @y00tlist 16 days ago.

Thread with everything ETH/SOL/VC friends need to know 🧵👇


Tokenomics Theory🔥: @frankdegods to confirm.

I first noticed #frank when listening to Nouns spaces w/ speakers like @0xigami @punk4156 @apenoun in May.

My thought was that he was learning from CC0 & I believe we are seeing some of those ideologies manifest in @y00tsNFT.


The #y00ts collection is taking a unique approach to the rights & permissions.

Most projects on @solana hold secure IP rights to the collections. The alternative is #CCO or creative commons, which allows holders the IP rights to their NFT - @frankdegods understands this.


y00ts is taking a quasi-CC0 @nounsdao approach.

Think of the ⓨ as a stamp of approval by the @DeGodsNFT to build sub-projects on top of DeGod/y00t IP.

Each builder could have a ⓨ registry, which will assist in the proliferation of DeGods yet no one is talking about this.


Why this matters:

b/c #nouns has showed us that the Founders Dilemma is solvable via decentralization of IP rights. People are building incredibly innovative things on the IP of PFPs example: @nounscoffee by @thebrkfststudio

Now See: @DeBeansRoaster


@solana projects like @FamousFoxFed (1st)🟠 @communi3_io @degenfatcats @TheMonkeyLeague have 🔥 communities & I wouldn't be surprised if they start open-sourcing ideations around CC0 within derivative projects.

The first to accomplish this will dominate @ethereum adoption.


Near Term y00t News:

@frankdegods @ShiLLin_ViLLian @kingfud @kevindegods @taylordegods dropped #y00ts updates:

1. #y00tlisted & DeadGod holders will be able to mint a y00ts t00b🧪 separate collection akin to CloneX Vial……


2. the mint t00b is scheduled to open Sunday September 4th ~2:00 PM

3. 5-7 days where #t00bs can be traded before being exchanged for a y00t (game-theory time).

4. PHBT 33.3% "Burned DeGods" are back as prizes

5. 90% common, 9% rare, 1% super rare


More information can be found: @thomasjeans @bengreen927 @ShiLLin_ViLLian @MetaCrypto1000x

P.S excited to see more DeGods come into the spotlight akin to franks rise - best guess @kevindegods @MrBeast @pencilzwrld or @JerDeGods


@frankdegods to confirm 😂😉

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