Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her

Sep 4, 2022, 5 tweets

Nice day for a bike ride...

No time to visit inside the @msichicago, unfortunately.

23 miles since our house...
So far!

Heading back north to Grant Park turned into a torrent!

Made it back to Fullerton on Lake Michigan, where we started (and biked north for 4 miles, then down to MSI), for a total of 30 miles on the Drive! First time we biked the whole thing!

Makeshift clothesline and co-rider!

Luckily our 2022 #bikethedrive shirts stayed dry!

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