Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her
Feb 27, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Tell-All Volvelle?

Newly re-cataloged to include the movable bits! This hand-drawn "Viennese Oracle" dial points you to one of 16 riddles and presumably, THE TRUTH!
#ManuscriptMonday #interactive

@NewberryLibrary… Dial with four concentric circles positioned on an image of @NewberryLibrary Behold!

Worthy of the Oracle at Delphi, is it not? All that nearly grisaille watercolor marbling to establish a German Romantic nostalgia vibe in the process of using the dial...
2/4 Full page with the volvelle, looking like an unnumbered gran
Feb 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It Has Pockets!!

Purple Velvet Pockets!
19th c. book portfolio lined with all sorts of luxury fabrics. What goes inside?

#NewberryLibrary… Open portfolio with small b... Open portfolio with small v...
Oct 5, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Costs An Arm and A Leg...
But Lasts a Hand And A Foot?!

What is it?
Renaissance Geography!
(Did I mention that early modern measurement schemes are endlessly fascinating!?)

#WyrdWednesday #woodcutwednesday Handspans and footspans are two of the smallest measurements Going My Way?

Here's the full Geographie page, complete with a globe! From the Tableaux Accomplis de Tous les Arts Liberaux, Christopher de Savigny, 1587.
Want to see more?
2/? Page with a world map surrounded in an oval by all sorts of
Sep 6, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Don't Want To Go Back To Work Today?

How about a trip to Ancient Rome instead? (Via the Renaissance, of course! This book's from 1532.) Pick a gate, any gate; there are 16, 1 per pizza-shaped slice, each with a monumental topping...

#NewberryLibrary… Woodcut view of the round ancient walls of Rome with 16 gate Headshots

Even the title page is channeling antique monument fonts... Note the crowned SPQR on the left-most crest, the St Peter Papal keys and headgear on the center one (actually Pope Clement the 7th's arms who died two years later in 1534), and a cardinal hat at right.
2/? Sparely filled title page saying  "ANTIQVAE VRBIS ROMAE
Sep 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Nice day for a bike ride...
#BikeTheDrive Selfie in bike helmet with ... No time to visit inside the @msichicago, unfortunately.

23 miles since our house...
So far! Still me, now in front of t...
Sep 4, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Doesn't the Text Go...
On the INSIDE?

#newberrylibrary #newacq #bindingwaste #recycling #fragment Modern paper binding over b...Detail of stenciled pattern... Didn't identify the text yet, but the binder identified herself!

#herbook Inside of book's fro t boar...