Ashok Mruthyunjaya Profile picture

Sep 4, 2022, 75 tweets

Creating thread to report Flooding issues in Mahadevapura assembly. Pls post all pics and videos of Floods
@BellandurJothge @TOIIndiaNews @TOIBengaluru @WFRising @kdevforum @HaralurC @HaralurORRORant @carmelaramunite @Dnekundi_rising @RisingVarthur @ArvindLBJP @BalagereConnect

Eco Space floods again.

Opposite to Disha apartment @BalagereConnect @RisingVarthur

Spice Garden Road

Greenwood Regency Kaikondrahalli @kd6gg30j6wzsQcV

Greenwood regency at Kaikondrahalli

innovative Oak Garden Bhoganahalli

Passport office Sai arcade

Halanayakanhalli lake overflows @TheLakeRoadGuys

Rainbow drive @Kdevforum

Puja navarathna apartment in Doddakkana halli @Dkhallirising

Adarsh Palm retreata

Lake dew residency @HaralurC @HaralurORRORant

Eco space

Eco space

Eco space

Gear. School road. @Dkhallirising

Gear. School road @Dkhallirising

Haralur dinne @HaralurC @HaralurORRORant

Sarjapur road right now.

Near Mazjid Bellandur @BellandurJothge @kdevforum

Bellandur lake breach

Sarjapur road Wipro Bangalore


Sakra hospital to Bellandur lake

Halanayakanhalli lake breach @TheLakeRoadGuys

Tree fallen on gear school road. @Dkhallirising

Halanayakanhalli wipro road @TheLakeRoadGuys

Forum value mall manipal hospital

Entry to eco space blocked from Eco world. Diversion at eco world

At ground zero eco space 9:15 AM

Junnasandra road our folks with public

Eco space

Sarjapur road. Raimbow drive

Green wood regency Sarjapur road

Bellandur lake over flowing. Look at the colour of water

Yamalur Divyashree.

Greenwood Regency Courtesy @shaileshka

Bellandur lake to Sakra Hospital road.

It rained again.

Keep reporting pics and videos. I will forward to relevant people and try to get help

Eco space sometimes back

Pls upload current status of all the flooded areas. It will help people to plan better.

Greenwood regency flooded

Wipro office Morigate

Sunny brooks

Countryside Sarjapur road

Most needed vehicle of the period.

Divyashree 77 East Yamalur

By the way where is @PCMohanMP l. Sir Mahadevpura is part of Bangalore central constituency. FYI.

@BellandurJothge @TOIIndiaNews @TOIBengaluru @WFRising @kdevforum @HaralurC @HaralurORRORant @carmelaramunite @Dnekundi_rising @RisingVarthur @ArvindLBJP @BalagereConnect Who is responsible for this death of 23 year old? @ArvindLBJP @NammaBESCOM @BBMPCOMM & Encroachers?
Is 23 year an age to die? because someone didnt do their job? People of Mahadevapura. Do you accept this negligency & Corruption?
@WFRising @RisingVarthur…

@BellandurJothge @TOIIndiaNews @TOIBengaluru @WFRising @kdevforum @HaralurC @HaralurORRORant @carmelaramunite @Dnekundi_rising @RisingVarthur @ArvindLBJP @BalagereConnect A delegation of AAP led by State President
& State VP
will conduct a site visit to see the real situation of Floods in
Mahadevapura Assembly
Wednesday 7 - 9-2022 at 11.30 AM
Location : Near Yamaluru Govt School

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