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"Sharp-eyed aviation buff & flight tracker" ~ Brian Williams Cites: @UN @BBC @11thHour @newsweek @PopMech @thewarzonewire @TheAviationist @AirForceTimes She/her

Sep 5, 2022, 6 tweets

A solemn pattern.

🇺🇸 C6517 is US Coast Guard MH-65D Dolphin 6517 #AE266B

They brought in a Spartan. That's how seriously they are taking the search for these poor missing nine.

🇺🇸 C2707 is C-27J 2707 #AE4ADF

Night air SAR ops.

Spartans are not seen here in Puget Sound often. This one came up from Sacramento. I regularly see them on flight data apps over Californian airspace. Not within a few miles of me.

Might explain why I didn't recognize the noise when it passed overhead.

🇺🇸 US Coast Guard MH-65D Dolphin 6517 engaged in a search pattern for the missing from today's crash of N725TH.

As seen from Port Gamble this evening.

The search continues this morning for those still missing from N725TH. Search is being extended out to the waters off Edmonds it seems as the tide would have drawn away anything or anyone from the initial crash site.

The search has been called off and the remaining 9 missing are presumed dead. One body recovered makes ten lost. A search of USCG air assets reveals the skies clear over the crash area.

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