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நம்புவதை பகிர்ந்து நன்மை செய்வோம்.

Sep 5, 2022, 10 tweets

There are 250 temples of Ganesha in Japan. There Ganesha is known as 'Kangiten', the God of fortune and the harbinger of happiness, prosperity and all that is good. Ganesha was worshipped in the early days in Central Asia and other parts of the

globe. Ganesha statues have been found in Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei, Bulgaria, Mexico and other Latin American countries. It means the worship of Ganesha was prevalent all over the

world in ancient times. Ganesha's idol and paintings are exhibited in all the important museums and art galleries of all the European countries especially in the UK, Germany, France and Switzerland. They are also present in thousands of houses/offices of successful business/

writers/artists in all the European countries and in Canada and the USA. Recently a figure of Ganesha was unearthed in a village near Sofia, Bulgaria. Like Indians, the Romans worshipped Ganesha before any work was begun. Irish believe in Ganesha luck. The embassy of Ireland at

New Delhi became the first European embassy to invoke the blessings of Ganesha by installing a statue of Ganesha at the main entrance of the embassy. Silicon Valley in USA selects Ganesha as the presiding Deity of cyberspace technology. “Ganesha is the God of knowledge and

Ganesha's vehicle is the mouse and, as you know, for software engineers the mouse is the vehicle that they use to take their ideas and innovations from one place to the other.” Hence it was decided by the computer industry association to select Ganesha as the presiding Deity of

Silicon Valley. Early images of an elephant headed Deity, including those on an Indo-Greek coin and elsewhere, dating between the first and third centuries BC, represent Ganesha as the demi God Vinayaka. One of the Indonesian currency notes carries the picture of Ganesha.

Vedic origin of Ganesha.
Devotees of Ganesha make reference to his Vedic origin which is around 10,000 years old to push his antecedents back in time. The Vedas have invoked him as 'namo Ganebhyo Ganapati' (Yajurveda, 16/25), or remover of obstacles, Ganapati, we salute you.

The Mahabharata has elaborated on his personal appearance and Upanishads on his immense power. “Scholars say artifacts from excavations in Luristan and Harappa and an old Indo-Greek coin from Hermaeus, present images that remarkably resemble Ganesha”.

Source: Robert Brown in his Book “Ganesha: Studies of an Asian God”:State University of New York Albany.

Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanam🙏🏾

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