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Sep 6, 2022, 20 tweets


Biden's latest address Is unprecedented in a lot of ways, and I've seen a lot of interpretations... but I haven't seen anyone really grasp the implications or the real Horror of what it probably represents.


Firs things first: this Aesthetic does not happen by accident

Prepared announcements like this that are meant to define election cycle are prepared weeks in advance, speeches pre-written, optics (Colors) chosen, the mere choice to have Marines involved the input of dozens


We've seen the memes... How Biden looked like every knockoff villain in pop culture history.

4/ And sure there are theories...

Maybe he just had a VEEP moment and his staff Thought #DarkBrandon was a vote getter

Or maybe they're trying to bate a schizophrenic into launching an attack and rescuing their midterm prospects.


But few are talking about the news items that immediately preceded this announcement.

The stuff we know Biden and the Regime have been openly working on.

The truth is we've seen speeches like this before... many times.


In 2002 Bush was giving fire and brimstone speech very similar to Biden's... But about Saddam and Iraq instead of Trump and 70-80 million Americans

These speeches were important in the leadup to war prepare the American public, but more importantly the American state

Biden's language is the Speech is very specific. Saying that Trump and "MAGA Republicans" present a "Clear and Present danger".

Attacking the Trump faction of the Republican party as "insurrectionists", and alluding to potential political violence.


This just a month after the FBI raided Trump's house violating norms around legal reprisals that have last generations. Even Nixon was not raided or charged.

And this from an FBI and department of justice that has been caught fabricating testimony against team trump


I think this was Biden giving the go ahead to the FBI and every other federal agency to give into their partisan hatreds and try to charge Trump... with anything.


Back in 2020-21 The democratic party and NeverTrump Republicans were obsessed with trying to impeach Trump, even holding votes into his last month in office...

Specifically so that he would not be able to run again.


Mitch and Co did not allow this to work... Largely to bargain with Trump and prevent him from writing last minute pardons to Snowden and Assange... and
from Declassifying anything embarrassing.


Now far from fading into shame, Trump looks like the Frontrunner in 2024, has dominated with his midterm picks, and is openly talking about who he wants to fire when back in office.

He is a major threat to not just Biden, but the regime of agencies and Interests


Either Biden is encouraging the Letter Agencies to Charge Trump and remove him from the running, Or he's hoping that after the midterms the lame duck NeverTrumpers, many already primary'ed out... Will vote to retroactively impeach or otherwise bar Trump's run


Now this is obviously incredibly dangerous, wide swaths of the republican base felt cheated by the 2020 election...

Rightly so now that we've learned the FBI coordinated with tech companies to suppress the Biden laptop story

And those supporters have only been assuaged with thoughts of 2024 and returning Trump to the office they feel he was denied.

Disqualifying Trump would convince millions of Americans there is no political solution... They'd protest, riot... worse.


Taking away political options has historically been a surefire way to escalate tensions to violence.

The Front de Liberation Du Quebec ended because Nationalism became politically viable.

The IRA fought so long because demographics ensured they could not win by voting


But that was the thrust of the speech.

That Biden and Co are happy to go to war with outraged Trump supporters, that they'd welcome deploying the national guard after a Trump disqualification, that they'd gladly use legal tricks to go after MAGA senators and congressmen


After Jan 6th there were many calls for a Domestic "War on Terror" the application of the Patriot Act to Trump supporters and "Extremists"...

We might look back on the DarkBrandon speech the same way we look back on the Axis of Evil speech

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