CatGirl Kulak šŸ˜»šŸ˜æ (Anarchonomicon) Profile picture
Writes For @anarchonomicon Documents the strugglesšŸ˜æ of CatGirlsšŸ˜» past, present & future Extremely Peacefulā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ Hoppean AnarchistšŸ¦ā€ā¬›BPD Alpha-Widow
64 subscribers
Mar 17 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The reason lesbians offend & enrage heterosexual women, is because lesbians donā€™t exist

Lesbianism is an evolutionary strategy whereby to compete with more attractive girls, less attractive girls pre-arrange harems

Lesbians are trying to undercut other women with package deals Image So my advice to you dear reader isā€¦

Go for it! They want you to open!
Jan 9 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
šŸ§µAt the center of christianity is an idea: Humanity

The idea that we are not Jew, Greek, Roman, etc. But one race, the human race, "One in Christ"

This idea needs to die.

Whites need to stop thinking of their "Fellow man" as humans to be treated as individuals like them. 2/
Every single problem plaguing the west, and every single betrayal by aging priests, boomers, leftists, etc.

Is motivated by the idea that we are not permitted to judge people as groups and recognize patterns, or assert our own interests over others.

That that would be evil
Jan 7 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Hanania makes Casey Affleck at the start of "Assassination of Jesse James" seem normal and well adjusted

There is something deeply wrong with any figure who decide to interact with him and pretend the most unsettling thing ever seen isn't happening right in front of them Image
Every inflection is wrong, every muscle spasm, every lip movement, every reaction, every part of his face that's unusually plump, smooth, and youthful, or that's strangely aged, worn, & thin

Every part of him is disingenuous, faking something human or concealing something alien
Jan 5 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
I can think of dozens of films that will have extraordinary cultural signifigance... None with major studio backing.

1) The Lighthouse (2019) 2)
Union of Salvation (2019)
[Free on Youtube, with english subs]
Dec 27, 2024 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Young white men are so damned close to terror and ethnic cleansing it is unreal.

Having every rule rigged against them, their every institution betray them, and then called losers by the people their tax dollars subsidize and the boomers their childhood suffering gave peace to Image That a full moratorium on all immigration for 15 years and complete repeal of the 1964 civil right isn't the opening bid, is a the sign we're headed to hot civil war.

An entire generation of boys sees Hitler as the only figure in history who didn't want them enslaved and killed
Dec 15, 2024 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
šŸ§µReposting some of my early edits from when I had 10 followers and thought you could post poetry to twitter:

1/ Image 2/ Image
Dec 2, 2024 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
just watched Union of Salvation (whole film is on youtube)

Bros... Russia is going to win, not just Ukraine, but the whole civilizational struggle. It won't even be close.

"Understand the art and you understand the people"
They are better than us. Image This is as if you had just watched Lawrence of Arabia or Apocalypse Now, and then thought you were going to contain the US...
No, you're not.
Nov 21, 2024 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I wonder what the women of reddit are up to....

šŸ˜ They've reinvented sissy hypno, but for libtards sleeping with Maga. Image This is incredible. I love the internet. Its like seeing into all of your subconciousnesses, its like Iā€™m reading your dirties thoughts Image
Nov 17, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
WASPs don't exist. Their culture was defeated and conquered by entryist ellis islanders and their neuroses.

You ever meet a WASP family they all identify with and form myths around the 1 ellis Island irish or jewish branch of the family that married in and resented the rest.

Basically the only people who are capable of WASP culture are the Scots-German flyover red Americans who'd always opposed and been opposed by the wasps, but are still capable of reading and admiring history and forming aristocratic sub-cultures.

The crude rich Texan listening to country music is the last actual American aristocrat. The New England wasps have all disappeared into the poor put upon minorities they didn't have the wherewithal to be prejudiced against. All the genetic Anglo-Americans are now convinced that they're actually Irish-Jewish blends. Seriously... Name a single wasp family?

The last public one was William F. Buckley Jr. And he wasn't a real wasp, his accent and persona was an affectation

Christopher Plumber was the last real one, and his biography is about the WASP world dying in THE 30s.

Great book BTW
Sep 14, 2024 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
People don't realize in a civil war the military would prob collapse.

US troops, uniquely, are cycled such that there's no regional or ideological cohesion. Infantrymen won't follow the 3rd or 4th LT who's cycled in within 5 years to fight their own people.

50%+ desertion. 2/ This was a policy the US adopted starting in ww1 so that none of units would become regional militias post-war.

They didn't want troops more loyal to their officers in the 3rd Alabama Rifles than the federal government. So they formed "All American" Divisions.
Sep 1, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
White men recieve 4 Callbacks out of 100 for a resume black women receive 94 callbacks for

you canā€™t ā€bootstrapā€ that. You canā€™t ā€œjust worker harderā€ your way out of a society that committed to engineering your failure no matter what you do

Suicide or rebellion thatā€™s it. Andvremember whereas before Black women were 6% of the population, so the drag on productivity was limited, now theyā€™re importing millions.
May 6, 2024 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Kind of hate Tolkien.

He took everything beautiful about Celtic & Germanic paganism, then made it uglier & used it's beauty to attack and subvert the ethnos. Telling a story about how Europeans shouldn't defend themselves with power, but just "fade away Into the west" (Ie. Die) Image Boromir did nothing wrong.

Galadriel betrayed her people by suffering Frodo to live.

Gandalf is an evil inversion of Wagner's Wotan, who instead of conspiring to gain the ring and save Valhalla, conspires to escape responsibility and foist it on the weakest.
Apr 22, 2024 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
The optimal female dating strategy is living with parents, spend 4-6 hours a day working out, 8 hours shitposting/playing video games. 2 hours virginally masturbating

You may not like it, but this is optimal play.

This is why men do it, it's what they find attractive. Image The Ideal woman is a porn brained pathetic autistic virgin loser

The dream is a girl who's somehow an insatiable perverted freak... but has never had sex and still seizes up and nearly cums in her pants if a cute guy touches her

This is of course 0% of women, but 30+% of men
Apr 4, 2024 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
šŸ§µThe thing no one's ever been able to explain to me about the holocaust is... Why use gas chambers at all?

It's labour intensive (have to remove the bodies), location restrictive, slow, and then you have a body in your camp attracting disease.

"They cremated them" Wasting scarce fuel in a country that never reached the baku oil fields and couldn't gass its tanks?!

No genocide before or since has needed gas chambers. You know how the Armenian, Chechen, Bangladeshi, and Cambodian genocides were carried out?

They shot them and put them in a ditch. peak efficiency: Single bullet in material, instantaneous, and you already have them at gunpoint to make them walk to the ditch. You don't want to be discovered? You put up a sign "Unexploded mines, keep out"

Hell the Hutus pulled off a genocide with Machetes.

Is the conceit that this was one of the most inefficient examples of German over-engineering in history? Or are we to believe the average German is just so conscientious and moral that Russians, Turks, Japanese, Chinese, Cambodians, Pakistanis, Hindus, Africans, and Americans can all commit genocide with basic tools... but the lily-livered Germans needed elaborate rituals to emotionally distance themselves because they couldn't find enough people to man firing squads?

Again 6 million bullets fired (even assuming ALL of them died in gas chambers as opposed to any disease or hunger) is a very small number compared to what's put out in war. there are Individual Americans who own 20-50k bullets (I've know guys to buy 10k at a time during sales) What do you think would have happened to Japanese americans in their internment camps if America's rail network was bombed and even the families of US soldiers were starving?
Feb 6, 2024 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
šŸ§µThere's a reason I pick on Christianity, and it isn't just to insult a religion I don't hold.

Everywhere on the right I see allegedly based Christians trying to convert former Christians who are RIGHTLY disgusted with the church...

And they exert NO such effort to convert or denounce any of the left-wing "Christians" who are teaching that the Passion is a metaphor for a gay man dying of Aids.

Somehow all their effort is focused on the non-religious who maybe will share Odin memes... And NONE focused on the people who attend church every Sunday, have seemingly expressed interest in Christianity, and think they are practicing Christianity by receiving communion from a lesbian priest with a transgender "daughter"

Do You know what this says to every single non-Christian right winger?

That you think THAT is consistent with your faith. That you think the soul of the non-religious shitposter who aspires to a family and traditional American lifestyle is MORE in danger of damnation than the Gender Queer mainline Catholics and Protestants who at least mouth something about Jesus and "her" passion.


Can one be a liberal Catholic who hopes their newborn will grow up to get gay married and loves Pope "Frank" for bringing socialism to the Vatican... and still be saved?

Because if your answer is YES... Then that's your religion.

If that is the case then the decadence and suicide of Western Civilization is not in contradiction with your faith... and your attempt to convert shitposters, who've long ago thrown their hands up in disgust, whilst drag queens dance in the temples... well that tells us that while your faith is broad enough to include those who would destroy western civilization, it is certainly not broad enough to include those who'd defend it.

And if your answer is NO then what the hell are you doing trying to save the non-religious when tens of millions of Americans are attending Church every Sunday to be further indoctrinated in the ways of hellfire?

Because as it stands everything I've seen tells me Christianity is a Motte and Bailey argument (look up the full definition)...A defensible argument that sounds plausible but doesn't really have any implications, and then a similar-sounding argument that's immediately absurd to any non-believer, but with lots of implications the believer actually wants to hold.

Crusader memes and esoteric readings of the Gospel when a skeptical eye dares to mouth the words "Slave Morality"... then explicit instructions on decadence, slavery, and accepting loserdom when the interloper has converted or looked away.

I wish this was not the case, I wish there was this large traditional institution that could be depended on to defend Western civilization... but at every turn, every peak behind the curtain, Organized Christianity is revealed to be not only complicit in Mass immigration, the mutilation of children, the destruction of the family via normalizing divorce, and the plundering of our cultural and material heritage... But indeed is at the vanguard of the looters.

And no I will not stop harping on this. Not because I care about Jesus of Nazareth (I've never felt moved by the story the way others claim to) but because I care about the West. And I want so-called Based Christians to either get serious, and actually start challenging the rotten Pharisees in their midst, and literally flip tables and assault the degraders of their temples with bullwhips...

Or I want them to abandon them.

I'm sick of this game where Massive "Christian" charities pay to import foreign invaders, and then "based" Christians pretend that BAP or Neo-Pagans are the real danger, instead of a desperate grasping to find and save some aspect of European civilization.

Traditional Catholics will literally SAY Pope Francis is the anti-Christ... Then attend and receive Communion from a priest who proudly proclaims himself his minister and representative... What the hell.

The rank unseriousness and impotence of modern Christianity are impossible to overstate. Early Modern Germans were willing to kill 30 million of each other across 30 years over doctrinal differences... And these Ned Flanders wannabes can't summon enough energy to merely raise their voices at priests and mothers happily mutilating their children?Image Image
Jan 30, 2024 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Americans don't understand class. American socialists especially

Every week I hear: "How can Trump be considered anti-elite? He's a billionaire!?"

This fundamentally misunderstands class. it's not how much you have, it's how you make it.

And Trump definitely ain't elite Image 2/
Classic Marxist economics divides class via the individual's means of securing resources.

The proletariat trade their labour to employers for wages.

The bourgeoise use their ownership of the means of production to extract surplus value from the proletarian laborer, etc. Image
Dec 15, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
50+% of 2010s feminism was white women bitching about black men, and then pretending they weren't

They'd bitch about catcalling or being approached in public, and then have to pretend they were really complaining about Michael complementing their shirt at the coffee shop

"Why don't men stop this behaviour and intervene"... They cried all through the 2010s

Then when the white men they pretended to be complaining about actually did intervene... Image
Nov 20, 2023 ā€¢ 17 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
šŸ§µButterfly KissesšŸ§µ
Great Horror Fiction is Greek Tragedy... Told in reverse

As opposed to the oppressive build towards disaster, ghost stories, dark legends, detective stories... all come after the moment of greatest fear and try to reconstruct it

only to do so too well Image 2/

Bram Stoker was great at this...the book Dracula unfolds as a series of letters and documents... layer after layer peeling back to glimpse the fleeting horror, the writers painfully know words cannot convey. Image
Nov 15, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Why would Hamas use a pre-existing/known tunnel network as their primary Command bunker in Gaza City?

Obvious that Israel will use it as an excuse and justification for their brutality, knowing its there...

But Anyone who's studied Vietnam knows you can't cripple an tunnelled in insurgency... certainly not in fewer than 5 weeks .. US couldn't in 5 years.
The Cu Chi tunnels of Vietnam were 75 miles.

Hamas has 300+ miles of tunnels.

Even Adjusting to population 2 million Gazans vs 7 million Israeli jews, is very close to Vietnam vs US ratios.

This is analogous, indeed the US was better positioned to win in Vietnam
Nov 14, 2023 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Americans don't understand class. American socialists especially

Every week i hear: "How can Trump be considered anti-elite? He's a billionaire!?"

This fundamentally misunderstands class. its not how much you have, its how you make it.

And Trump definitely ain't elite Image 2/
Classic Marxist economics divides class via the individual's means of securing resources.

The proletariat trade their labour to employers for wages.

The bourgeoise use their ownership of the means of production to extract surplus value from the proletarian laborer, etc. Image
Oct 28, 2023 ā€¢ 19 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
It's hard to grasp Nietzschean Master morality. In our sickly guilt-poisoned era the instinctual values of healthy ubermenchean man are almost entirely Alien

However, shockingly, America has produced a perfect artifact of healthy noble natural values:

The Disney Princess. Image 2/

The Disney Princess is the perfect archetype of easy natural inherent nobility and morality.

She is an artifact of inborn virtue, a born noble, irrespective of parentage.

With the naive careless values that come from an easy mastery of her domain Image