Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her

Sep 6, 2022, 5 tweets

Don't Want To Go Back To Work Today?

How about a trip to Ancient Rome instead? (Via the Renaissance, of course! This book's from 1532.) Pick a gate, any gate; there are 16, 1 per pizza-shaped slice, each with a monumental topping...



Even the title page is channeling antique monument fonts... Note the crowned SPQR on the left-most crest, the St Peter Papal keys and headgear on the center one (actually Pope Clement the 7th's arms who died two years later in 1534), and a cardinal hat at right.

Now with MORE Tiber!


Fancy a Spa Day?



And On With the Bread and Circuses!


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