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Sep 6, 2022, 10 tweets

Now that we have established Pakistan's role in the #arshdeepsingh issue, it's time to expose the inhuman face of Pakistan's deep state.

Do you know that Pakistan is facing its worst calamity in history?

But Pak establishment is busy running Propaganda.

A Thread 👇

The people of Pakistan are suffering from the flood.

▪️Children are starving
▪️Several diseases have broken out

While citizens are expecting relief, their government is busy running propaganda campaign against #India. 2/n

At places where the Pak govt is showing their relief work for cheap publicity it is of such an inferior quality that they serve their people with cements & stones instead of actual wheat. 3/n

Their death toll has already crossed 1300 and is still rising. But what is their govt doing to provide relief??

Just working with SFJ and running cheap propaganda against India 4/n

As per Brooking's senior fellow Bruce Riedel Pakistan is heavily obsessed with India which is mainly bcoz it has lost every war with India & they know they can't defeat India conventionally.

Hence such propaganda campaigns while their own people are dying & economy suffering

Even before the floods, Pakistan was already suffering economically & is surviving on Chinese loans & Arab pennies

It's not wrong to say that the situation of Pakistan is very similar to SriLanka.
Running campaign against their neighbor should be last in their to do list 6/n

Even the ADB data on inflation clearly highlights the failure of Pakistan economy which has the 2nd highest rate of inflation among the Asian countries. Just behind Sri Lanka. 7/n

The catastrophic flood is sure to threaten the food security of Pakistan & its citizens are already starving without any aid or relief from the government coz the government is busy funding SFJ & ISI to run propaganda against India 8/n

And even after facing Pakistani propaganda day in and day out, #India is always ready to support Pakistan for humane cause.

India has even agreed to send food & medicine to #Pakistan but in reply what Pakistan has done?
Just another propaganda 9/n

An advice to Pakistan.

You are already in the grip of China & on your way to become next Sri Lanka.
Stop your misadventures & start working for your people. Already your people have started revolting against you.
Wake up before you see another partition

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