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Sep 6, 2022, 11 tweets

One of the groups behind the campaign against LGBTQ History Month at the Miami school board called CCDF (County Citizens Defending Freedom) will be hosting an event w KrisAnne Hall next week.

Let’s take a look at her ties to the militia movement & neo-confederate groups. ☕️ 1/

KrisAnne Hall is a former Suwannee Co, FL prosecutor who rebranded herself as a “constitutional lawyer” after her firing in 2010.

She’s documented as having deep ties to the militia movement and preaches that states and counties have supremacy over the federal government. 2/

Does the idea of “state supremacy” sound familiar?

If you thought of “state’s rights” now you’ll understand why her philosophy ties in well with neo-Confederate hate groups like League of the South which has featured her as a speaker. 3/…

KrisAnne Hall has also worked with militia leader Ammon Bundy’s People’s Right group + the Oathkeepers militia, who’s leader Stewart Rhodes is currently charged w seditious conspiracy for his involvement in Jan 6th. 4/…

For all these reasons, it’s no wonder CCDF is too scared to post the address of the event.

But we all “Wynwood area” means the event will be hosted at Centner Academy, the $20k a year anti-vaxxer school where CCDF leader Alejandro “Alex” Serrano sends his kids. 5/

Let’s look into Centner more — In Sept 2021 Miami GOP executive member Miguel Granda thanked CCDF exec director Alejandro “Alex” Serrano of Key Biscayne, FL for organizing an event hosting Jan 6 & QAnon linked figure Micheal Flynn.

CCDF hosts all their big events there. 6/

And not surprisingly, the local Miami Proud Boys were in attendance at the Micheal Flynn event too.

Left is Gabriel Garcia #PBGarcia, currently facing felony charges for being inside the Capitol on Jan 6. On the right are Proud Boys “Lex 305” and Alexander Bermudez. 7/

Now here’s Proud Boy Alexander Bermudez protesting in 2021 outside the school board and Miami M4L leader Eulalia Jimenez Hincapie at the Micheal Flynn event.

See how it’s all connected? 8/

And here’s Miami QAnon maven Isabella Rodriguez #RedPillBabe attending the same event with Micheal Flynn and sharing CCDF calls to action on the school board @MDCPS for sex ed.

See how all these circles and ideas are tied together? 9/

Always good to know who your local Christian fascists & paid CCDF staffers are:

▪️Alan Chovel of Shovel Construction. QAnon + J6er
▪️Alejandro “Alex” Serrano, the Miami CCDF exec director
▪️Lynn Carey, a QAnon former chiropractor originally from Delaware


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