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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Sep 7, 2022, 7 tweets

One more remnant of colonial era MODI-fied

Now see how #CentralVista project gives us Indian Parliament & major power centres to meet the demands of the biggest democracy in the world in the 21st century, dreamt of by an Indian,designed by an Indian?

🙏🙏@narendramodi ji

India of 21st century & its icons are now designed by us & created by us Indians

Like #INSVikrant commissioned a few days back

Earlier, we used to take second hand British ships but now we are making warships of our own - right from design to creation🔥

Today,India is Pharmacy of the world & thanks to support by @narendramodi ji, we were able to implement world’s largest & fastest covid vaccination program
After 100 % desi Covaxin, comes world’s FIRST intranasal covid vaccine, again from @BharatBiotech

The science city in Ahmedabad is another new age icon that has impressed me

These infrastructure projects made by Indians are world class & match the very best that the West can come up with

🙏🙏@narendramodi for ZERO compromises in getting the BEST

We used COWIN technology to WIN against covid thanks to vision of @narendramodi ji

While US was handing over chits, we were monitoring digitally & people got digital certificates

Today,many nations want to replicate Cowin & monitor their health programs

While Harvard educated economist MOCKED UPI, today, we have 6.5 Billion UPI transactions,highest ever

Sr Min of Singapore Shanmugaratnam said
“On a global scale,no financial innovation has achieved such financial inclusion with such speed & on such scale”

Same with #JanDhanYojana

BANKER MMS as PM for 10 couldn’t take banking to every Indian

Now with @narendramodi ji’s vision, of banking the unbanked
securing the unsecured &
funding the unfunded

Nearly 99.9% of mapped inhabited villages now have a banking touch-point within 5 km

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