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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Sep 7, 2022, 12 tweets

#ForkFire in #NorthFork, Madera Co: 50 acres w/ potential for 200 acres, fire has jumped the North Fork Willow Creek, AA430 requesting 4 additional tankers closest any type. Rd 222 south of N Fork Rd.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - IC requesting 10 addl type 3 engines, 10 any type closest engines, 3 dozers, 4 handcrews, 4 water tenders. 2 addl copters. Going to an extended attack w/ potential for major incident per IC.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - AA430 requesting 1 VLAT + placing a no divert on 2 of the tankers due to life threat. Sheriff's & CHP requested for evacuations in the area.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - Evacuation orders being issued by Madera Sheriff's. If you’re in need of evacuation assistance, call 9-1-1. An evacuation shelter is to be determined.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - More evacuation orders issued & posted below. 5 additional Madera Co engines requested immediate need.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - Air Attack reporting 200+ acres, doing structure protection drops, trying to hold the fire from going across Road 225.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - IC reporting fire is 300 acres w/ moderate rate of spread in grass & oak woodland + brush, potential for 500 acres, still trying to hold to Road 225 per radio traffic. Some outbuildings being impacted. More evac warnings below.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - Madera Co just initiated Zonehaven mid fire so you can now refer to the Zonehaven map for evacs:

Evac orders: MDC-100B, MDC-101A, MDC-E088
Evac warnings: MDC-60A, MDC-E061, MDC-101B, MDC-100A

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - The fire has been mapped at 279 acres by FIRIS as of 5:11pm. A map based off their data can be found at…

Note that fire perimeters don't reflect structure protection efforts on the ground & are for reference only.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - The head of the fire is bumping Road 225 w/ multiple spot fires across it per radio traffic, diverting any resources not currently assigned to structure protection in an attempt to hold 225.

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - Not much to hear on this one tonight - glow is in the middle of the cam below. No changes to any evac warnings or orders since early this evening, reminder the evac map is:

#ForkFire (#NorthFork, Madera Co) - FIRIS has mapped this one at 773 acres as of 2:38am. Bulk of the growth has been to the south - showing little across 225. Note that perimeters don't reflect structure protection efforts on the ground.

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