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Informant reporting major incidents as they occur throughout the United States. @zachsalazar_

Sep 8, 2022, 6 tweets

⚠️🇺🇸#DEVELOPING: Multiple people shot on livestream in Memphis, Tennessee

#Memphis l #TN
Police are investigating reports of a man open firing at random bystanders from a vehicle. Police believe the gunman is live streaming the event.
More information as it becomes available.

🇺🇸#DEVELOPING: Live-stream circulating online appears to show gunman firing randomly inside store

Due to complaints, video footage of the incident has been removed and replaced with a still image. For those it upset, I do apologize.

🇺🇸#DEVELOPING: Suspect is a 19-year-old black male driving a light blue Infiniti with red dealer tags and busted rear window

🇺🇸#DEVELOPING: Memphis Police now believe suspect has carjacked a gray Toyota SUV; Unconfirmed reports of multiple fatalities are emerging

🇺🇸#DEVELOPING: Suspect was live-streaming shootings on his Facebook page under the name “Zeek Honcho”

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