Taiwo_Ajakaye Profile picture
Disciple of Jesus | Husband of Ibiyemi | A Responsible Father | Network Engineer | Passionate about Politics & Kingdom views | I can win by Righteousness

Sep 8, 2022, 8 tweets


Gbenga Obasanjo was the son of Olusegun Obasanjo...Obasanjo practically saw Nigeria as personal property.
"Global Infrastructure Holdings Limited (GIHL), a company believed to be partly owned by Dr Olugbenga Obasanjo"


Fresh facts have emerged linking former president Olusegun Obasanjo & his son Gbenga to the sale of Ajaokuta Steel Company (ASCL) to the Global Infrastructures Holding Limited (GLHL) owned by Mr. Pramod Mittal.

But OBJ has the whole solution to Nigeria's problem..

In early 2001 following a visit to Moscow, President Putin sent 40 experts from TPE (TyazhPromExport), the original builders of the Ajaokuta Steel Co to assess the plant...Olusegun Obasanjo failed to provide the funds required.

Seun Oyefeso..
Gbenga Obasanjo..

Why did OBJ betray Putin on this project?
Why would Y'aradua THE TERMINATOR always put us in Arbitration problem? P&ID SCAM happened during Y'aradua.

"GINL then hired PwC to help pulled strings & with the efforts of Adoke to make Nigeria guilty of economic crimes against her."😭

Those who were around during Obasanjo regime of 1999-2007 knew that Obasanjo was a dictator & he never hid it even in corrupt issues....He forced Governors to donate State funds towards his Obasanjo Library then..

Why did Obasanjo singlehandedly concession Ajaokuta Steel Co?

Every fraudulent activity done about National Assets since the day of Obasanjo was done in a way that Nigeria would never come out of it without shedding tears of pain..
Those who perpetrated Ajaokuta crime are the ones insisting they must dictate democracy to us.

So where do we go from the past?
I personally believe the first step to recovery is to STOP. Yes, come to a total HALT, make assessment, change DIRECTION if need be. I think that is what the Govt just did by renegotiating the buying back of Ajaokuta!


P&ID Arbitration...
Power Project Sunrise Arbitration that Femi Falana SAN was representing the interest of the few against the Nigerian State...

Malabu Scandal..
OPL Scandals..

And This Ajaokuta Arbitration problem...

You be the judge, if the past was fair to our future!🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

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