RAVEN Le MAVEN Profile picture

Sep 8, 2022, 13 tweets


The Anonymous Network

A Short Thread

'Don't Censor Me, Bro'

Anyone considering retaliation for the following thread, consider all the reasons used to defend Leaked Data


'Celine's Laws are a series of three laws regarding government and social interaction attributed to the fictional character Hagbard Celine, a mouthpiece for the author's Libertarian, Anarchist ideas about the nature of humanity.'
~ Wikipedia : Celine's Laws


Celine's Laws

Reading / Scanning will show you some 'familiar ideals and idealogies' we see these days


Why am I mentioning 'Celine's Laws' in a THREAD ABOUT THE ANONYMOUS NETWORK

Simply because one of the domains in the network is named after, 'Hagbard Celine', and I had an account following me for a long time (booted) using that name, so it caught my eye


I specifically fleshed out a network using the original Twitter Accounts who made up '#LulzSec', busted for hacking as 'seeds'

1 supposedly never identified, per Wikipedia they merged with Anonymous, 2011

In my 'network schematic' they're all comingled.

In addition to the '#AnonymousNetwork' Schematic I created, leading off of 'it' are several persons and domains 'linked' from 'it' so I left them in.

THIS NETWORK IS A SUBSET OF A LARGER NETWORK but it is a 'central and core' subset.

You may have seen my 'WikiLeaks' Network?

Backup Data retrieved can expand this newly fleshed out network, exponentially.

And without further ado I present to you my newly created #AnonymousNetwork Schematic Version 1.0

Where Do You Want To Go Today?


Zooming in just a tad...

Zooming in a little more...

This little cluster?

We go exponential from here.

This little cluster?

Seeds for a Tree...

How does it fit into the Primary #NETWAR Schematic?

@threadreaderapp might as well unroll #Anonymous because, 'don't censor me, bro'

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