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Sep 8, 2022, 9 tweets

This is how #BBCNews announced the death of #QueenElizabethII to BBC Television channels
A minute earlier #BBCNewsChannel made the first announcement
* πŸ“Έ Note the 2 women on the background to the right of @thehuwedwards who get told off for taking photographs

This was the very first, slightly less formal, announcement of the death of #QueenElizabethII on #BBCNews
This wasn't marred by people taking photographs in the background as above (due to the broadcast delay they wouldn't have known it was happening)

Here's how @BBCTwo broke into its programme to announce the death of #QueenElizabethII

Here's how @SkyNews announced the death of #QueenElizabethII

Here's how @itn announced the death of #QueenElizabeth

Here's how @Channel4 broke into programming to announce the death of #QueenElizabeth

Here's how @channel5_tv announced the death of #QueenElizabeth

Here's how @CNN announced the death of #QueenElizabeth. This is quite dramatic, the reporter you can tell was quite shocked.

Here's how #GBNews tried to announce the death of #QueenElizabeth.
Inevitably they had several technical issues and actually managed to miss the bit where they said she had passed.

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