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Sep 9, 2022, 6 tweets

Balmoral Castle
Believed to be the Queen’s favourite residence, Balmoral is a private estate that was owned by her, and where she loved spending summer weeks. Located in Aberdeenshire, this castle served as the summer home for the Queen, and sits on around 50000 acres.

Sandringham Estate
It’s the beloved private home of the Queen, and was often used for entertainment purposes during holidays. It's popularly known for hosting the royals' annual walk to Christmas Day services at St. Mary Magdalene church.

The Scottish Residence
Also known as the Edinburgh Palace, this property was originally founded as a monastery in 1128. It served as the Queen's official residence in Scotland that used to host her when she travelled north, during the first week of the summer for an annual event.

Windsor Castle
As per the reports, the Queen first moved here with her sister, Margaret, for safety reasons during WWII. Windsor was also her favourite homes. The property spans across 13 acres and has around 1000 rooms. The castle usually remains open every day for public.

Buckingham Palace
This majestic palace served as the headquarters for the Queen. In 1837, the property was recognised as the Buckingham Palace. In total, there are 775 rooms, 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, and 78 bathrooms.

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