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Sep 9, 2022, 6 tweets

Yesterday, masses of @amazon and @google workers led protests in 4 cities, demanding both companies end their contracts with Israel.

These workers risked their jobs to stop Google and Amazon from profiting from Israeli apartheid and using workers’ labor to harm Palestinians. 🧵

Worker-led #NoTechForApartheid protests in SF, Seattle, Durham, and NYC drew crowds of up to 300, rallying community members who came out in solidarity with Palestinians and the workers themselves.

Workers don't want to build technology that powers Israeli apartheid.

So they bravely put their jobs and safety on the line to stop @google and @amazon from using their labor to help the Israeli government and military surveil, oppress, and inflict violence on Palestinians.

Workers make their companies run, so their growing, united opposition to @amazon and @google’s complicity in Israeli oppression and violence has serious power.

The momentum of the #NoTechForApartheid campaign is only escalating.

The action in Durham — where Google recently opened a new office — was a spontaneous, rapid-response mobilization led by workers who were inspired to be part of this exciting wave of direct actions.

Stand with Palestinians and support these workers by emailing their CEOs at If you are a tech worker yourself who wants to get involved in #NoTechForApartheid organizing, go to….

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