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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Sep 9, 2022, 11 tweets

#ForwardFire in Tehama Co east of #Manton, near Ponderosa Way & Forward Rd: 2-3 acres in timber w/ moderate rate of spread, 2 additional large air tankers requested. Spot fire now visible on cameras too.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama Co) - Significant increase in smoke seen on cameras, however no updated report on conditions heard recently. The cam from the first tweet has been down for a good 30+ mins.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama Co) - 75 acres which includes 2 main areas of fire w/ multiple spot fires out in front per radio traffic, Air Attack requesting 1 addl S-2 tanker & 3 additional large air tankers.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama Co) - IC confirming 75 acres w/ critical rate of spread & 2 heads of fire, large ground resource order to be placed soon.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - Should add that this originated right near the county line & could very well be into Shasta Co already given proximity & growing size of fire (this is why the Watch Duty event just got upgraded to include Shasta Co too).

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - FIRIS is overhead & mapped the fire in the last 10 mins or so, revised to 24 acres. The southern fire is 16 acres, the northern is 8 acres.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - Air Attack ordering 2 VLATs + a lead plane - these have been available at McClellan as the Mosquito fire hasn't had the opportunity to use them w/ the current smoke conditions on that fire. Evacs in progress for the area.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - IC updating to 35-40 acres currently. Evacuations per CAL FIRE TGU: Mandatory evacuations north of Forward Rd and east of Ponderosa Way. Evacuations warnings for the Rock Creek Road area.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - FIRIS has mapped the fire at 95 acres, timestamped 16:57 hours. The fires have now merged w/ spots visible. Large amount of air tankers assigned to this one.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - IC reported that the fire is still approx 95 acres w/ moderate rate of spread & spot fires out in front still.

#ForwardFire (#Manton, Tehama/Shasta Co) - FIRIS has mapped the fire at 160 acres as of 11:52pm tonight. List of evacs in the app >

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