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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Sep 11, 2022, 5 tweets

Yes. Brazen. Perfect word. Consider Giuliani, Bill Barr & Mark Meadows. They crimed openly in plain view

WHY? Because Trump dangled a Presidential pardon for them

Imagine YOU being a criminally-oriented person. And a crooked President said, go ahead, I will pardon you...

When the danger to National Security (Path 6: Mark Meadows = espionage) and the very survival of US democracy (Path 4: Roger Stone = January 6th) are revealed in #Trumpomobster crimes - AND the role Trump promise of pardons played - Presidential pardon power will be curtailed

A President cannot be above the law. And he cannot put any American beyond reach of law. What Trump did with the Russian General Flynn for example, in pardoning someone who crimed FOR TRUMP, can never be done by any future President. The promise of a pardon has to be extinguished

One of obvious ways to limit Presidential pardons is to outlaw any pardon of a future crime. A pardon can only bring clemency to someone who has been convicted and is already in prison

Secondly, a pardon cannot ever go to anyone who works or worked for the current President

And a President cannot pardon his immediate predecessor (like Ford pardoned Nixon) or that previous President's staff or administration

And every pardon must be registered in public (no secret pocket pardons like Trump wrote to himself)

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