Alexander Kamyshin Profile picture
Minister of strategic industries of Ukraine

Sep 13, 2022, 7 tweets

And more damages.

And more.

And strange bullets that stuck in tracks.

We failed to reach Town B. tonight. Demining officers have to finish their job tomorrow. And this rail remains unused, rusty, for few more days. Just few.

No matter how much I love restoring connection to retaken territories, sometimes we have to step back. Yes, tomorrow we will get back on track again. But today we failed.

Loosers’ dinner. Yes, I know it’s same as lunch. Yes, I know that’s bad idea to have sausage and bread for the dinner. But that’s the best dinner we could have. And that was so tasty, trust me.

And then long long way back. Yes, we failed to get to the Town B. today. But tomorrow we’ll try again. Because we #KeepRunningOnSchedule.

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