Cirian75 #YNWA 62.5% 🇬🇧 25% 🇳🇱 12.5% 🇦🇺 Profile picture Not Labour member, never have/never will vote Tory Don't read the Sun, Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph inc WebSite #LFC #JTF96 #JTF97

Sep 13, 2022, 8 tweets

This is how it works

You deliberately make people panic with £6k fuel bills

Do nothing for 90 day

Limit bills to £2.5k

= surge in opinion polls

Steal £200bn of public money, give to power companies to subsidise bills coming down

The public to pay back + interest= #TrussTax

£200bn from the telegraph

"Liz Truss sails into uncharted waters – without Bank of England support
Borrowing will balloon under new PM's plan to foot £200bn energy bill"…

The correct solution is a #windfalltax on the energy companies excess profits

I'll explain the #TrussTax

The Tories want the prices as high as possible

They will use taxpayer money to sub the energy companies to bring your bill down

But the bills go higher

So even more of your tax can be siphoned off to the energy companies

Instead of a #windfalltax

Greatest transfer of wealth in history

Stealing money from poor & middle class

Giving it to the mega-rich

They want you to pay it back with interest

Figures keep going up

It was £100bn

Then £130bn

Then £200bn

£250bn being suggested

No to #TrussTax

Yes to #windfalltax

You are now realising this is totally unsustainable cash & grab robbery by @trussliz

Your right

This will bankrupt the UK, the money will be in offshore banks where it can not be gotten back easily.

We need massive public outrage demanding

No to #TrussTax

Yes to #windfalltax


@trussliz is a former Shell economist

Wife of a former BP exec donated £100K to her leadership campaign, £100k

The energy companies have donated over £1.5m to the Tory party

A cheap price to be gifted £250bn public money

Your money!

No to #TrussTax

Yes to #windfalltax

I've just signed "Stop Truss Paying over £100 Billion of our money to Big Oil" - Will you support the campaign too?… @action_storm

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