ORNL Energy Science Profile picture
Energy science news from Oak Ridge National Lab. @ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.

Sep 13, 2022, 6 tweets

Five years ago, #HurricaneMaria devastated the island of #PuertoRico, resulting in billions of dollars in damage. Residents struggled without electricity for months and still experience frequent, long-lasting power outages.

.@ORNL experts have been working with local organizations, nonprofits and universities to build resilience into independent #microgrids powered by renewable energy.

.@ORNL engineers built a #microgrid “orchestrator” that will autonomously manage the microgrids, minimizing impacts of power outages and keeping critical services available.

Initial simulations indicate the #microgrids could keep each other running at least a week, but with ideal conditions they could operate indefinitely.

Moving forward, this technology could be used in more rural, underserved communities to provide reliable, resilient electricity.

For more info, visit ornl.gov/news/researche…

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