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Sep 15, 2022, 42 tweets

Happy #HispanicHeritageMonth from @pewresearch! All month, we’ll be sharing our findings about Hispanic Americans on this account. Follow our experts @mhugolopez, @jensmanuel, and @Lnoebustamante and this thread for updates.

So, who is considered Hispanic in the United States? And how are they counted in public opinion surveys, voter exit polls and government surveys such as the 2020 census? Read here for answers:…

Today, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua celebrate their independence. An estimated 464,000 Hispanics of Nicaraguan origin resided in the United States in 2017.…

Nearly 5 million Latinos live in Los Angeles County alone. That's more than the Latino population in every state except California, Texas, and Florida.…

Mexico celebrates its independence today. Mexicans are the largest population of Hispanic origin living in the United States, accounting for 62% of the U.S. Hispanic population in 2017.…

From @jensmanuel: Latinos have accounted for about half of U.S. population growth since 2010.…

In 2020, there were about 6 million Afro-Latino adults in the United States, and they made up about 2% of the U.S. adult population and 12% of the adult Latino population.…

Today is Chilean Independence Day! According to a Center analysis of 2021 Census Bureau data, 188,000 Chileans live in the U.S. This is an increase of more than 20% from the previous estimate of 155,000 Chileans in 2019.

7% of all physicians and surgeons are Hispanic.…

As the two largest Spanish-language television networks in the United States, Univision and Telemundo are key providers of news for Spanish speakers.…

46% of Hispanic Twitter users see Twitter as a very or somewhat effective way of changing other people’s minds about political or social issues.…

What social media platforms do Hispanic teens (13–17-year-olds) use? YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat are used by more than half.…

The U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.5 million in 2021, up from 35.3 million in 2000.…

The number of Latino immigrants went up even as the share of Latinos who are immigrants went down. The number of Latino immigrants in the U.S. in 2021 climbed to 19.9 million from 18.0 million in 2007.…

Roughly eight-in-ten Hispanic teens (82%) express at least some support for the Black Lives Matter movement, while two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic adults do the same.…

The three largest Latino origin groups in 2021 are Mexican (37.2M), Puerto Rican (5.8M) and Salvadoran (2.5M).…

29% of Hispanic adults express trust in the government, compared to 37% of Asian adults, 24% of Black adults, and 16% of White adults.…

About six-in-ten Hispanic (63%) adults approve of the bill to address gun violence passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden on June 25.…

The U.S. Latino population grew by 12 million between 2010 and 2021, accounting for more than half of all U.S. population growth.…

From @mhugolopez: Hispanics remain optimistic about life in the U.S. compared with their or their ancestor’s places of origin. Majorities also say the U.S. has better conditions for raising kids, access to health care and treatment of the poor.…

Most Latinos say people not seeing racial discrimination where it really does exist is a significant problem. 61% say it is a bigger problem for the country than people seeing racial discrimination where it really does not exist.…

71% of Hispanic journalists name Twitter as the one of their most commonly used sites in their job, while 51% name Facebook and 29% name Instagram.…

39% of Hispanic adults say greater social acceptance of people who are transgender is generally very or somewhat good for our society.…

As of Aug. 8, 2022, Biden has successfully appointed 13 Hispanic federal judges.…

California, Texas and Florida are the states with the largest Hispanic populations, accounting for more than half of the national Hispanic population.…

Latinos have been the largest racial/ethnic group in California since 2014; in 2021, they became the largest group in Texas.…

62% of U.S. Hispanic journalists say that employees at their organizations are treated fairly regardless of their race and ethnicity.…

Latinos of Mexican origin make of 37.2 million of the nation’s 62.5 million Latinos in 2021, or almost 60%.…

A large majority of Hispanic Americans have either a great deal (26%) or a fair amount (48%) of confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interests.…

13 states had more than 1 million Latinos in 2021 – CA, TX, FL, NY, AZ, IL, NJ, CO, GA, PA, NC, NM and WA.…

3 states saw increases of 1 million or more Latinos since 2010 – TX (+2.4M), CA (+1.7M) and FL (+1.6M).…

From @lmariemora: Hispanic enrollment at postsecondary institutions in the United States has seen an exponential increase over the last few decades, rising from 1.5 million in 2000 to a new high of 3.8 million in 2019.…

@lmariemora 85% of Hispanic adults say they have a smartphone, and about half (53%) say they have a tablet.…

@lmariemora An increasing share of Hispanics live in counties with large Hispanic populations. Seven-in-ten Hispanics (70%) live in counties with Hispanic populations of 100,000 or more, a substantial increase from 1980 (58%).…

44% of Hispanic adults aged 25 or older had gone to college by 2021, up from 36% in 2010, @jensmanuel and @Lnoebustamante.…

55% of Hispanic teens say they are online almost constantly.…

61% of Hispanic adults see calling out others on social media for posting content that might be considered offensive as a form of accountability.…

44% of all eligible voters in New Mexico are Latino, the highest share of any state.…

From @lmariemora: About eight-in-ten U.S. Hispanics (81%) say addressing global climate change is either a top concern or one of several important concerns to them personally, with 39% saying it is a top personal concern.…

Most Hispanic Americans endorse the idea that more high achievers in STEM who are Hispanic would help to encourage more young Hispanic people to follow in their footsteps.…

Since 1965, people from Latin America have accounted for about half of the 59 million immigrants who have come to the United States from around the world.…

26% of Hispanic adults lived in multigenerational households in 2021.…

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