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Sep 16, 2022, 9 tweets

Possible future #Airdrop on Sui @Mysten_Labs testnet.

No official announcement, but anyway is so easy and quick to do (5 min).

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on @suiswap_app testnet.

A thread 🧵👇

#SuiTestnet #Sui

1/ First of all we will setup the Sui wallet.
If you already have it you are good to go, if not:

- Install the browser extension chrome.google.com/webstore/detai… .

2/ Now you'll need to fund it with testnet tokens:

- Go to Sui discord discord.gg/4QSJQbmgPs
Head to devnet-faucet channel and type !faucet (your Sui address).

You should receive Sui testnet tokens in your wallet instantly.

3/ Now you are ready to test the Suiswap dapp:

- Go to their website suiswap.app/app/ .
- Connect your wallet.

Then scroll down until you find the "Mint" button.

- Click it and approve transaction.

This will give you some more test tokens.

4/ Swapping:
Scroll up again to the swap.

- Choose "Sui" above (amount 10,000) and "tSWP" below, press 'SWAP' and approve transaction
(imatge swap).

- Then it's the other way around, choose "tSWP" above (amount 100) and "Sui" below, press 'SWAP' and approve tx.

5/ Adding liquidity to the pool:
Scroll all the way down.

- Look for a pool, press 'Deposit' put amount 200 at tSWP, click deposit and approve transaction.

6/ Harvesting rewards from pool:
Check above, a new position appeared.

- Go to 'Positions' press "Harvest" and approve transaction.

The app has been fully tested.

7/ Giving feedback:

- Go to Suiswap discord discord.gg/kY4cKAWFg9 and leave a feedback in feedbacks channel.

- If you had any issue or found a bug you can report it to bug-reports channel.

That's it. Test completed. Hope they take our early support into account later 🪂🪂.

8/ If you liked this kind of content and you want me to keep bringing airdrop tutorials, kindly:

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