Kanchan Gupta (Hindu Bengali Refugee)🇮🇳 Profile picture
Public Affairs Commentator. Reader. Writer. Blogger.

Sep 17, 2022, 6 tweets

As Prime Minister @narendramodi releases 8 cheetahs at #KunoNationalPark in Madhya Pradesh, marking the animal's return to #India🇮🇳 after it became extinct 70 years ago, here's a look at how Modi Government’s efforts to conserve wildlife have brought great results.

PM @narendramodi 's initiatives has increased the coverage of Protected Areas, which was 4.9% of country’s geographical area in 2014, to 5.03%. This includes increase in Protected Areas in #India from 740 (1,61,081.62 sq km) in 2014 to 981 (1,71,921 sq km.)

PM @narendramodi 's policies have led to an increase in forest and tree cover by 16,000 sq km in the last four years. India is among few countries in the world where forest cover is consistently increasing.
Community reserves have increased from 43 in 2014 to more than 100.

Our #India is home to 52 Tiger Reserves covering 75,000 sq km in 18 States with 75% population of wild tigers in the world.
Modi Govt achieved the goal of doubling the tiger numbers in 2018.
The tiger population in India has increased from 2,226 in 2014 to 2,967 in 2018.

PM @narendramodi has increased the budgetary allocation for conservation. The population of Asiatic lions has shown a steady increase: There are 674 Asiatic lions, up 28.87% from 523 lions in 2015.
Gir in #Gujarat showcases the successful Asiatic lion conservation story.

Modi Government has been focussed on both conserving India's wildlife as well as increasing their habitat.
This has borne good results. Example: India now has more than 12,852 leopards compared to 7,910 in 2014. That's mote than 60% increase in leopard population.

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