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Sep 17, 2022, 12 tweets

Queen Elizabeth II's death: A minute-by-minute guide to her state funeral on Monday

Today, the King and Queen meet members of the emergency services and attend a lunch for Commonwealth Governors General


Britain's longest serving monarch will be honoured with a full state funeral at Westminster Abbey on Monday, September 19, featuring every element of pomp with personal touches from her late Majesty

Here is everything we know about what will happen – and when – over the next few days

Sunday 18th September


The King and Queen Consort host heads of state and official overseas visitors in a state reception at Buckingham Palace

Monday 19th September

Lying in state ends as doors of Westminster Hall are closed to the public.

Westminster Abbey opens for members of the congregation to start taking their seats


Bearer party of Queen’s Company, 1st Bn Grenadier Guards lifts the coffin from the catafalque and places it on a state gun carriage.

Coffin, drawn by 142 Royal Naval Ratings, begins short journey to Westminster Abbey, with members of the Royal family following


The coffin arrives at West Gate of Westminster Abbey, where it is carried inside for the state funeral and placed on a catafalque.

Funeral service begins.

Last Post is sounded in Westminster Abbey, followed by national two minutes’ silence

State funeral service ends with a lament played by the Queen’s piper.

Coffin procession leaves Westminster Abbey for Wellington Arch.

Coffin procession arrives at Wellington Arch, where the coffin will be placed in a hearse to begin its journey to Windsor

Hearse arrives at Shaw Farm Gate in Albert Road, Windsor, joining a procession already formed up and in position.

Procession steps off and proceeds up the Long Walk to Windsor Castle via the George IV Gate

Governors general and prime ministers of the Commonwealth Realms take their seats in the nave.

Members of the Royal family not walking behind the coffin arrive and take their seats in the quire and the nave

Procession halts at the West Steps of St George’s Chapel. The coffin is carried from the hearse and places it on a catafalque in the quire.

Televised committal service starts. At the end of the service, the coffin is lowered into the royal vault

Read more about what will happen during Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral here:…

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