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Sep 18, 2022, 9 tweets

I’m in The Greatest Reset alongside some truly inspiring people. Watch it free at I’ll post a few clips to wet your whistles!

In this clip @_whitneywebb & @RobertKennedyJr speak about the Dark Winter simulation & the infamous Anthrax letters.


Here I talk about Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen Schwab, who was the Managing Director of the Ravensberg Escher Wyss factory during WWII.

Schwab’s Model Nazi Company manufactured flamethrowers, submarine parts & equipment for enriching uranium to aid the Nazi atomic bomb program.

Here, I discuss the Club of Rome & their Malthusian agenda. They formed 3 years before the creation of the WEF & soon aligned themselves with Schwab’s organisation.

Their early computer modelling predicted the end of civilised society by 2040 unless we reduce the population.

In this clip @P_McCulloughMD talks about how COVID-19 was handled:

• “Play defence with contagion control”

• “Allow the deaths to basically happen because we haven’t treated the virus early”

• “And then it becomes clear what the game plan is. Wait for mass vaccination.”

The legendary @GEdward_Griffin speaks about the rise of the New World Order:

“It’s already here, it’s just that it’s being built, brick-by-brick, around us everyday & we don’t recognise it.”

The late Rosa Koire also appeared in the documentary a few weeks before her passing.

In this clip @GeorgeGammon talks about the historically malevolent nature of those who censor information.

Also @_whitneywebb talks about the creation of @facebook out of a controversial DARPA program called Lifelog, as well a Peter Thiel’s role in the rise of Mark Zuckerberg.

Dr Robert Malone talks about his part in the creation of mRNA vaccine tech & its DARPA funding. He also talks about his own decision to take the vaccine:

“I had no idea at the time of the depth and breadth of the adverse events that have gradually been disclosed since then.”

@mlukacs speaks of the race to “a new humanity, a more perfect humanity,” stating:

“The 4th industrial revolution is transhumanism turned into global public policy,” going on to predict:

“At some point decision making powers from individuals will be outsourced to algorithms.”

This was a project where different people from varying backgrounds came together to fight against the same enemy.

Whether your religious or not, we all know that good & evil exist, that right & wrong is definable, that bad people seek power.

The world they are creating is sick!

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