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Writer, Journalist, Historian & Founder of & host of The Johnny Vedmore Show on TNT Radio Weekdays 4pm GMT
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Jun 23, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
It begins! 👇

One man connects Watergate, Kent State Massacre, MLK, Letelier, Wounded Knee, Iran Contra, the October Surprise & the case against Epstein.

Welcome to The Pottinger Identity: The Road to the Takedown of Jeffrey Epstein by @JohnnyVedmore… The Pottinger series is a NEWSPASTE Original which will explore the history of one of the most prominent lawyers involved in the case against Jeffrey Epstein.

Each article will also be accompanied by a NEWSHOUND which will explore the source material.…
Apr 22, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Thread on trans-rights:

When I was 9, I began being groomed by a prolific pedophile. He was evil. His name was Paul Levanchy & he befriended my dad via the @Sealed_Knot.

After a few years, I was terrified on a daily basis that he’d rape me, as he had described to me in detail. I went to my mum & I told her.

Soon the police were involved. I was offered zero support. Instead, I was taken to be interviewed in a facility that was obviously designed for younger children.

I was told that while I had been too scared to speak, he had molested a 3 year old.
Jan 13, 2023 24 tweets 11 min read
Thread incoming!!! 👇

As Kissinger's International Seminar was revealed to be a CIA-funded program, the elites of the CFR hatched a plan to create a new way to train young global leaders.

Welcome to Guido Goldman, the CFR & the German Marshall Fund.… The Harvard-based German Marshall Fund was created by a CIA-linked Kissinger protégé named Guido Goldman.

Goldman was the son of Nahum Goldmann, one of histories most influential Zionist leaders who helped create the modern state of Israel.… Image
Nov 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@artisbrutal2021 @Math_Maticz @danielhopsicker This is all pretty lame. It shows nothing but desperation to find something that isn’t there. Someone claimed he was an OSS operative, even though he hadn’t been born when the OSS disbanded. Some say he created the Great Gatsby, but it’s not true.

He’s actually seriously boring. @artisbrutal2021 @Math_Maticz @danielhopsicker I mean, not just a little boring, he’s Captain Snooztacular.

I was told Kirby managed to find that one of Whitney’s ancestors lived in Ohio in the mid-1800s! Oh my God!! The horror!

He worked for a bank, so he created the Federal Reserve even though that happened 50years later!
Sep 18, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
I’m in The Greatest Reset alongside some truly inspiring people. Watch it free at I’ll post a few clips to wet your whistles!

In this clip @_whitneywebb & @RobertKennedyJr speak about the Dark Winter simulation & the infamous Anthrax letters.

#MoreSoon Here I talk about Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen Schwab, who was the Managing Director of the Ravensberg Escher Wyss factory during WWII.

Schwab’s Model Nazi Company manufactured flamethrowers, submarine parts & equipment for enriching uranium to aid the Nazi atomic bomb program.
Aug 29, 2022 20 tweets 9 min read
Welcome to the 3rd in my series on the rise of Schwab:

The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Program

The 1st two articles are on UnlimitedHangout with links in the thread that'll follow.… The WEF's Young Global Leaders program is actually an almost exact replica of Henry Kissinger’s International Seminar that was originally run out of Harvard & was funded by the CIA.

But Kissinger also played a key role in the creation of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders itself. Image
Mar 10, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
This is it! Explosive!! 🤯👇👇

This is the true story of the men who recruited Schwab via a CIA funded course & who were the REAL driving force behind the creation of the WEF.

Klaus Schwab: or How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb… Welcome to a Swabian Thread:

For those who wish to begin understanding the real life & rise to power of Klaus Schwab, it is best to start at the beginning.

Schwab Family Values takes you forward from the 1870s & through Schwabs formative years.…
Mar 4, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
This is what the German Jeffrey Epstein associate Nicole Junkermann has been doing to my work for 3 years now.

She employs micro-taskers and solicitors to have many articles I've written pulled from most platforms.

This is part of what she's hiding:… Anyone who lists her name in any metadata finds that they have, not only their content removed, but often substantial suspensions and bans as a punishment for saying her name.

@IndLeftNews can also testify to her outright Orwellian censorship.
Jan 11, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
There are a few points we need to discuss about how this year has begun and where we’re heading in the immediate future.

This is 2021 and your world is about to change drastically, so get prepared for the struggle that will ensue.

The Great Reset is officially upon us.

1/12 The “storming” of Capitol Hill was a defining moment, not because it was real, but because of how it will be used.

As @_WhitneyWebb has already been warning, the US intelligence were already looking to pivot from international terror threats to domestic terror.

Oct 2, 2020 32 tweets 13 min read
Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board by @JohnnyVedmore…

Special thanks to @_whitneywebb for her hosting & helping with this article. So happy to make an appearance on Unlimited Hangout! 1. Head of Political-Military Affairs at 25

“By the age of 25 Daniel Korski was working for ex-Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown as Head of Political-Military Affairs while Ashdown was in the office of High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

Sep 13, 2020 30 tweets 8 min read
Third time he's raped someone and the first time they've actually reported it. Conor McGregor hates woman and is a danger to society. He must be locked up permanently.

He's so far been protected by such corporations as Disney.

Boycott Disney - It's full of pedophiles & rapists. Former Disney Channel actor alleges manager sexually assaulted him 'almost weekly'…
Aug 26, 2020 11 tweets 7 min read
My favourite UK auditor at the moment is Live Free. You should definitely go watch him. He's a legend!!

Awesome UK Audit Compilation Video / Looking for the Prince The Police and Prison Auditors are doing a great service for the public good. They'll teach you how to deal with encounters with alpha and authoritarian police and help you understand your rights.

Police Officers Illegally Detain Me? #LiveFree #Pinac
Aug 14, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Trying to respond to someone defending pedophiles & I find they’ve probably already deleted their email account. This guy “Phil Williams” is obsessed with one detail in my article on May’s father. So let me say to him publicly.

The Verona Fathers did abuse children in Mirfield. ImageImage…
Jul 13, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Another video on the topic of Nicole Junkermann pulled down. It's hard going when you're constantly being censored by a fascist German Epstein associate.

Nicole Junkermann is still actively hiding her multiple associations with Jeffrey Epstein.

#BermasBrigade #Censorship This is the pic Nicole Junkermann is trying to destroy from the internet. A screenshot from Carbyne911's website in 2019. All these people are the Mossad & Nicole Junkermann's there too. Why are NJFHoldings investing in a spy company along with Jeffrey Epstein & Peter Thiel?
Aug 16, 2019 12 tweets 7 min read
Prince Andrew RAPED a teenager who’d been FORCED to sleep with him by Jeffrey EPSTEIN on 3 occasions.

RAPE of sex trafficked teens CANNOT be excused. The @metpoliceuk ARE COMPLICIT in the cover-up.

We must make a CITIZEN ARREST of PRINCE ANDREW when he’s next appears in public! It’s time to make rapists who hide behind @ClarenceHouse the crooked & corrupt Queen of England pay for their crimes like anyone else.

@metpoliceuk you MUST take action against a royal who raped a sex slave on British soil! What’s wrong with you?

Cowards protecting rapists!
Jul 28, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
I’ve seen the saddest thing.

An elderly couple, both with dementia, forced to look after each other. The police can’t do anything & they won’t be accepted in a hospital because they’re not catatonic. So they’re just left to wander about.

The UK is a disgusting place 🇬🇧🤮 The pair are ex-pats who normally live in Benidorm - where I assume they have a better support network & friends to help. They turned up to the hotel on Thursday and checked in normally. They’d been before but we hadn’t noticed anything the previous times.
Jul 11, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
So, here we go! This one is a big one.
👇 👇

The Jeffrey Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS - FIFA Corruption, the Panama Papers, & the Mossad by @JohnnyVedmore via @vocal_creators #Epstein #NHS… Last week, when you typed “Nicole Junkermann” into google, it would autocomplete with age, wealth or husband etc.

Now, you type in Nicole Junkermann, the first autocomplete option is “Nicole Junkermann Epstein”.

I’m taking credit for that 😉

Thanks to everyone for sharing 😘