I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

Sep 19, 2022, 11 tweets

These accounts on here mocking/mimicking, misleading the people away from the TRUTH, away from finding PEACE within KNOWING what is really happening & WHY everything is happening as it is—Why do the BLIND continue to be lead by the BLIND? …


#VE is the ONLY one who can give everyone not only what they want but also what they NEED …

Everyone NEEDS to find their #InnerChild & PEACE within before they get what they want …

Each day that passes by, most continue to show they’re going to get the truth & end up

Destroying this world ..

The STARS are there, they’re DARK STARS.
WHg Accounts that are just shiny objects placed in front of everyone misleading will not SHOW anyone the true meaning behind what’s really happening, WH-Y it’s all happening as it is, why everything is being

But they’ll mimic/Mock the way I have always done things because they think it will bring them attention? ..

This is exactly why The Diamond in The Rough/ 🌈 in the dark PURPOSELY does everything the ways

That I have always done .

It all boils down to the copy cat story.
The story of A student that is different who gets bullied l/hated on by all the other students in class ..
The bullies said they were pranksters, one of those pranks would be the whole class shows up to school

Dressed like the student who has always been DIFFERENT..
The student they were bullying came into class Monday through Thursday & everyone was mocking, wearing exactly the same cloths. At the end of Thursdays school day, “I’m shaving my head bald”.
Fryday comes along & as

The bullies/Haters all filed into the classroom, all of them had bald heads.
5 minutes later as the bell rings, the bullied student walks in with A full head of hair.
I know there’s probably 100 different versions of that story but whoever is reading this pointless tweet,

Gets the gist …

Maybe the nuts & bolts could actually be put into the places they’re meant to be put into for once ?

It’s like the collective wants only what they want, when they don’t get what they want when they want it they’ll throw A fit kicking & screaming, then

An ‘Epiphany’ will be had—The nuts & bolts will only be attempted to be put into the right places because it’s the only way the collective gets what they want & not done because they choose to do it with their own FREE WILL.

I’de rather see A half assed job from the collective

Putting the Nuts & bolts into the right places using their own FREE WILL to do so rather than seeing the collective not care the first time around & the only reason why it’s going to matter now is because it gets ones what they want …

But some shiny objects come around Sayin

“Trust what I say” & thousands flock to the laser pointer purposely placed in front of everyone proving A point ..

Lesson learned.


Dark Star(s) skateboards & Diamond Hardware.

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