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Sep 19, 2022, 6 tweets

Access to #antibiotics πŸ’Š is essential to treat infections.

The πŸ†• Global Evidence Review on Health and Migration highlights how refugees & migrants often face barriers 🚧 to access & use these potentially life-saving medicines:


Access to #antibiotics for refugees & migrants is highly influenced by health systems in host countries.


Barriers 🚧 to access health services often lead to inappropriate use of #antibiotics, and ultimately to #AntimicrobialResistance, making infections harder to treat over time & increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness & death.


Health system barriers 🚧 to access & use #antibiotics for refugees & migrants incl:
⏲️ waiting times to see a doctor
πŸ₯ limited health service capacity
πŸͺ™ high costs
πŸ“œ inappropriate prescription of antibiotics
πŸ”£ no translation/interpretation services


Other barriers to access care for refugees & migrants incl.:
🚧 previous unsatisfactory experiences with formal care
🚧 ease of informal access to #antibiotics
🚧 stigma
🚧 fear of deportation
🚧 language barriers
🚧 time & financial constraints


Access to essential #antibiotics is a human right.
Let’s remove all barriers 🚧 and ensure safe, effective, affordable, high-quality antibiotics are available to all, including refugees and migrants.

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