Alasdair Pinkerton Profile picture
Political geographer @RoyalHolloway Studies ‘No Man’s Lands’, Buffer Zones, & Overseas Territories. @LibDems PPC in Surrey Heath. Retweet≠endorsement.

Sep 19, 2022, 6 tweets

"Here, at the heart of England, half-way between Royal Windsor and lordly London…”

“…looking down, Here, where the trees troop down to Runnymede, Meadow of Magna Carta, field of freedom…”

“…Never saw you so fitting a memorial, Proof that the principles established here Are still dear to the hearts of men." #QueenElizabethII #runnymede

Runnymede is a fitting place to acknowledge and pay tribute to our longest reigning monarch, and to remember that we are all custodians—guardians—of the rights accrued to us over a millennium, and which define us as a people.

With huge thank you to all the police and the amazing volunteers at @RunnymedeNT today. It was superbly organised, and all handled with great care and kindness.

The words above are quoted from Paul H Scott’s poem, engraved into the glass of the Airforces memorial that sits above Runnymede - the national memorial to all the airmen and women who died in conflict from 1939-45.

Per ardua ad astra.

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