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Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Campaigning for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people. R/T does not equal endorsement

Sep 19, 2022, 16 tweets

🧵With our friends in @AmnestyIreland, today we stood outside the Irish parliament as part of the global #UNinvestigateApartheid day of action calling for the Irish government to take the lead in pushing #UNGA to dismantle Israel's system of racist apartheid. 🇮🇪♥️🇵🇸

Participants were demanding that the United Nations investigate Israel for committing the Crime of Apartheid against the #Palestinian people, and take action to end it. (Pictured: Aisling Mickletwhaite, Chair of @ipsc48 & Deirdre Walsh, Youth Activism Officer at @AmnestyIreland)

Even though the Oireachtas doesn't sit on Mondays, we were happy to be joined by a number of elected representatives to say #UNinvestigateApartheid, such as @RBoydBarrett TD from @pb4p

@labour leader @ivanabacik TD and Sen. @hoeyannie also joined us to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Another TD popping along to say #UNinvestigateApartheid was our good friend @OCallaghanCian from the @SocDems

It was an honour to be joined by former Assistant UN Secretary-General, Denis Halliday, who wanted to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

@RhonaMcCord, Community Development Officer of @UniteunionROI came along to stand in solidarity with the call for #UNinvestigateApartheid

And loads of others were there too, including @merriman27 (Composer & IPSC co-founder), demanding that the Irish government take the lead in pushing for #UNinvestigateApartheid!

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

Thanks to everyone who came along today to say #UNinvestigateApartheid

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