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we were killing ourselves by trying to stay alive.

Sep 20, 2022, 16 tweets

What's happening in september in Iran , A thread 📌
Please pay attention and don't underestimate the power of media. Be our voice.

a twenty two year old girl named #Mahsa_Amini was traveling to Tehran. She went into a coma two hours after she was detained by the "morality police" for a mandatory hijab in Tehran . This is a picture of Mahsa before going to the hospital.

doctors said her brain was damaged and she was severely hitten
Although, the police denied it and said #Mahsa_Amini already was dealing with underlying disease.

Finally, Mesha had a stroke and died.
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the morality policy killed #Mahsa_Amini .
This is a picture of Mahsa's mother which is lying in the grave next to her.

A hacker group has managed to gain access to hospital files.
This is a photo of a CT scan of Mahsa's brain, which shows that she had no disease and was killed due to severe head hitting.

After all this, the president of Iran, #Ebrahim_Raisi, said all Iranian women wear hijab of their own accord and he denied everything, especially Mahsa's treacherously death

Then they killed other people to prove that they didn't kill #mahsa_amini

After the news of Mahsa's murder spread on Instagram and Twitter, Iranians started to protesting outside that hospital. The police attacked and shot them.
this is #kian_derakhshan .
was killed by police because of protesting the police action of killing Mahsa.

And it's #zaniar_mohammadnejad . he was arrested with several others. There is no news about his current whereabouts.

#Roshana_Ahmadi , was protesting when the police hit her several times with a metal rod. She was only nineteen. The next week was her birthday..

#Dina_zahraei, a 10-year-old girl who was killed by Bukan police for being in the streets while prople were protesting the murder of #mahsa_amini .

Demonstrations have taken place in Iran's major universities. This is a video of students who keep calling the Basij forces "dishonorable".

This is a video of morality police, hitting another girl for hijab in the street.
This is exactly how they treat us.
-Rasht, september 19th.

It's a video of the students of "Tehran university" protesting in the streets saying " The next Mahsa is on of you'll if you're doing nothing "
-Tehran, september 20th

It's another video of Iranian protesting in streets.

After all, Whom do you call when the police murders?
#IranianLivesMatter .

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