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Professor, biotech guru. I am curious about science, farming, food security, innovation, plants, history. @AAAS Fellow.

Sep 21, 2022, 12 tweets

Iranian women burning their headscarves after a 22-year old woman died in “morality police” custody, arrested for not covering her head properly

More Iranian protest videos across that country

Tehran People standing up against the regime forces pushing them back screaming "Without Honor"

Protests in Karaj, Iran

Protests in Esfahan, Iran #Iran #IranProtest #IranHijabProtest

You can only suppress freedom for so long. #Iran #IranProtest

Clashes in Tehran, Iran

Protests in Kamiaran, Iran

In Tehran Women removing their Hijabs and shouting "The Mullahs must get lost". #مهسا_امینی . Huge protests all over the country with people shouting everything from Death to the Islamic Republic to Death to the Dictator/Khamenei.

More videos at

Clashes in Divandarreh, Iran #Iran #IranianWomenLivesMatter #IranianLivesMatter

"We Will Fight, We Will Die, We will reclaim Iran" - Tehran

Mahsa Amini, whose death because of Iranian police brutality triggered the nationwide protests.

More on her…

Mahsa Amini

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