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Sep 21, 2022, 6 tweets

#ML50 Interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late Teodoro M. Locsin recounted his arrest early in the morning of September 23, 1972:

#ML50 Interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late Chino Roces reflected on his arrest on September 23, 1972:

#ML50 interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late broadcaster Jose Mari Velez recounted his arrest early in the morning of September 23, 1972:

#ML50 Interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late journalist (and at the time, ConCon delegate) Napoleon Rama recounted his arrest early in the morning of September 23, 1972:

#ML50 interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late senator Soc Rodrigo reflected on his arrest on September 23 1972 and life as a prisoner:

#ML50 interviewed by the late Cynthia Sycip, the late Aurora Aquino recounted what it was like for a mother to hear on September 23, 1972 of her son's arrest shortly before midnight, September 22, 1972:

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