Makomborero Haruzivishe Profile picture
@ACTSA_UK Advisory Council ~ Law and Politics student @UniKent ~ @Zinasuzim SG 2015-17 ~ @SAHRDNetwork HRD of the year 2021 ~ CC @AmnestyUK

Sep 23, 2022, 11 tweets

(1/11) This is the 2nd conviction @ZLHRLawyers helped me overturn through successful appeals at the High Court.
It’s however to take note that all the 2 convictions I had were results of our justice system trying to cover up for torture against me by @PoliceZimbabwe

(2/11)I was tortured in @PoliceZimbabwe custody on 5 February 2020. They indiscriminately assaulted me with fists,booted feet & button sticks. The police repeatedly hit me under the feet & on my kneecaps. I suffered a fractured hand.
Court convicted me as cover up for my torture!

(3/11) After realizing I was injured & couldn’t walk @PoliceZimbabwe tried to force me to pay an admission of guilt fine for ‘illegal vending’ as a bargain for my freedom but I refused & they charged me with inciting public violence & resisting arrest to justify torturing me.

(4/11) In 2016 Patson Dzamara & I were convicted after false robbery charges as @PoliceZimbabwe again tried to cover up for their foiled attempt to abduct me & torturing us in custody. We reported this in court & the magistrate responded by convicting & sentencing us.

(5/11) Just like the 2016 conviction which was quashed after the high court declared our arrest ‘politically motivated’ my arrest in 2020 conviction in 2021 were both politically motivated. It is so painful when the court that must protect our rights perpetuates our persecution.

(6/11)While I welcome the high court judgement absolving me,I strongly condemn the weaponization of our justice system. It didn’t have to take 2.7 years of unjust arrest,torture,unjust conviction & sentencing,smearing by state media & unjust imprisonment for me to get justice.

(7/11) Judith Taruvinga,the magistrate who convicted & sentenced me knew she was administering a travesty of justice with clear intend to persecute me.
She went to the extend of altering court records but we successfully stopped her.
This was a major turning point in my appeal!

(8/11) This successful appeal exposes how critical aspects of our justice system are captured as a strategy to preserve ZanuPf tyranny in Zimbabwe. That is why in 2021 we undertook to #NoToJudicialCapture protests when @advocatemahere,@moyoalan,@JobWiwa,@daddyhope were in prison.

(9/11)While important,this successful appeal is insignificant considering that I am left with four (4) more pending court cases that ZanuPf wants to convict & jail me,only for me to successfully appeal again after years of torture,imprisonment & persecution.

(10/11)We soldier on & next on target is exposing the malicious law-fare in the Impala case where I am jointly charged with @MateteYoung & @goraprince15
In this case we are facing kidnapping charges as ZanuPf yet again wants to cover up for @TeeMuchehiwa’s abduction & torture.

(11/11) Thank you all who stood & continue to stand in #FreeMako solidarity with me through the arrests,torture,attempts on my life & imprisonments. Special mention goes to my lawyers who resolutely advocated for the successful appeal, Kossam Ncube & @obeyshava1 of @ZLHRLawyers

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