Makomborero Haruzivishe Profile picture
@ACTSA_UK Advisory Council ~ Law and Politics student @UniKent ~ @Zinasuzim SG 2015-17 ~ @SAHRDNetwork HRD of the year 2021 ~ CC @AmnestyUK
Jun 27, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
(1/10) In 2008 @edmnangagwa led a ZanuPf terror campaign against Zimbabweans perceived to be opposition members & supporters.

We keep demanding justice & saying out names of victims of Zimbabweans who were killed as @ZANUPF_Official shed blood to force secure a victory on the……
(2/10) In this thread are names of those who were murdered as the ZanuPf government declared war against fellow Zimbabweans all in pursuit for power retention.

Note that these are only names of those killed.
Thousands more were tortured & crippled.
Tens of thousands were……
Sep 23, 2022 11 tweets 9 min read
(1/11) This is the 2nd conviction @ZLHRLawyers helped me overturn through successful appeals at the High Court.
It’s however to take note that all the 2 convictions I had were results of our justice system trying to cover up for torture against me by @PoliceZimbabwe
#FreeMako (2/11)I was tortured in @PoliceZimbabwe custody on 5 February 2020. They indiscriminately assaulted me with fists,booted feet & button sticks. The police repeatedly hit me under the feet & on my kneecaps. I suffered a fractured hand.
Court convicted me as cover up for my torture!
Jun 24, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
(1/9) Livingstone Sunhwa (19) disappeared from St Mathias High School in Manicaland on 05/12/2021.
His skeletal remains were found in a shallow grave today.
He wasn’t a political activist,but a student who is a victim of enforced disappearances in 🇿🇼.
#NoToEnforcedDisappearances Image (2-9)Of note is how @PoliceZimbabwe & @ManicaPostZim went all out on a malicious smear campaign to tarnish Livingstone’s reputation & label him as someone worthy to just disappear without reason or cause.
These are state institutions funded by taxpayers!
#NoToForcedDisappearances Image
Aug 6, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
[1/5] I have always ignored @TembaMliswa because I believed that he either has delusions of grandeur or is a patient of bipolar disorder.

However his defense of the RBZ corruption exposed by @Wamagaisa & now insulting @Julius_S_Malema convinced me he is just a deranged criminal! [2/5] @TembaMliswa is a key beneficiary of the evil that we are fighting. Everything you have now is a result of series of robberies with ZanuPf protection.

He tortured @PaulPaulus13's black employee as you robbed him of his business using ZanuPf backup.
Jul 30, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
[1/5] #31July is the day of spontaneous #PeoplePower community actions.

It's a strategic decision to overstretch the poorly equiped security forces.

We must first defeat ZanuPf symbols of oppression in our communities before the final victory march into the CBD.

#ZanupfMustGo [2/5] #31July is the genesis of a weeks long #PeoplePower revolution whose end goal is #ZanupfMustGo.

Governance failure,
State Capture,
Human rights abuses,
Illegitimacy are the convenors of the people's revolution!
Jun 27, 2020 28 tweets 21 min read
In 2008 @edmnangagwa led a ZanuPf terror campaign against Zimbabweans perceived to be @mdczimbabwe members & supporters. We keep demanding justice & saying out names of victims.

We see continuations of terror today through abductions.
#ZanupfMustGo In this thread are names of those who were murdered only as the ZanuPf government declared war against fellow Zimbabweans all in pursuit for power retention.

Note that these are only names of those killed.
thousands more were tortured & crippled.

May 14, 2020 22 tweets 17 min read
(1/22) Saying people shouldn't have protested the way they did in Warren Park yesterday because they flouted #Covid19Zim lock-down regulations is no different with a mother telling a child not to report rape because it is perpetuated by a breadwinner.

#ZanupfMustGo 2/22The abuses that were demonstrated against had to be confronted physically because they are being committed physically with absolute disregard to #Covid19Zim lock-down regulations! It is the duty of revolutionaries to act & confront such problems when most are still wondering!
Sep 18, 2019 12 tweets 9 min read
[1/12] They have guns we have smart phones,

They have bullets we have tweets,

They have rogue intelligence systems we have intelligent command of technology,

They conduct abductions we use ICT & #PeoplePower for closure on Dr Peter Magombeyi's abduction.

#BringBackDrPeter [2/12] I have to share with fellow Zimbabweans some bits of the extracted footprints so far as a strong warning to the abductors of Dr Peter Magombeyi that you may hide but justice will catch up with you.

Just #BringBackDrPeter in good health immediately!
Aug 14, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
[1/5] 8 armed state agents broke into Tatenda Mombeyarara's home around midnight,abducted him,tortured him & left him for death in a muddy ditch.

He sustained a broken leg,fractured hand,damaged kidneys,bruises all over his body & burnt skin after they poured chemicals on him. [2/5] During torture they were interrogated him over:
A workshop they attended two months ago in Maldives,
16 August demonstration (Accused him of organising & sponsoring the demonstration),
Whereabouts & activities of human rights activists,civil society & opposition leaders.
Aug 12, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
[1/5] Dear Mbuya Nehanda & Sekuru Kaguvi;

It's #HeroesDay day in our beloved Zimbabwe and we honor your signal which contributed to the fall of racist colonialism.

In the same manner your bones rose against colonialism,our generation is rising up against #StateCapture. [2/5] Those who captured the revolution for an inclusive & democratic Zimbabwe where citizens issues & concerns are heard & addressed are killing us, the killed in #Gukurahundi, #2000s, #August12018 & #January2019.

They are even planning to abuse our soldiers to kill more!
Feb 7, 2019 26 tweets 6 min read
1. ED’s dialogue is an in-genuine,insincere and selfish attempt to save face for his gross failure to implement his much touted reforms; political, economic,constitutional and governance reforms. He has dismally failed and is very bad at accepting his flaws and shortcomings. 2. Instead of repealing AIPPA he shut down the internet, reforming POSA he deployed soldiers in citizens’ bedrooms to rape, torture and abduct them. Reduce government expenditure he operates with 2 cabinets,2 anti corruption commissions and a 24 member presidential advisory team.
Sep 24, 2018 6 tweets 6 min read
1. A thief, well known to you, breaks into your house and steals a television set. You report him to the police and he gets arrested and is taken to court. The culprit bribes the magistrate and is cleared of any wrongdoing and is subsequently allowed to keep the television set. 2. In his ruling, the magistrate cites the lack of primary evidence, such as pictures of the thief actually stealing the television set, which of course you don't have and dismisses the proof of purchase receipts you provided, as secondary evidence.
@Wamagaisa @tsunga_arnold